Example sentences of "[be] it [adj] to assume that " in BNC.

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1 Quite apart from the earlier argument about reification , is it legitimate to assume that the development of the whole school will be achieved by the collective professional development of its teachers ?
2 Nor is it unreasonable to assume that given a sufficient respite they hoped that Britain 's own nuclear force might become strong enough to act as a deterrent to a Soviet attack on the home islands .
3 Neither is it valid to assume that a full stop indicates sentence termination .
4 In these circumstances is it realistic to assume that workers , particularly workers covered by union agreements , make significant blunders in dividing W by P ?
5 Was it correct to assume that women were invisible in the public domain because their interests as ‘ partners ’ in the family were adequately and fairly represented there by men ?
6 Was it insulting to assume that mothers still raised their children ?
7 It did not make sense to see all the lower animals as merely immature versions of humankind , nor was it possible to assume that every extinct population had been perfectly adapted to the conditions of its own time .
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