Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is probable that " in BNC.

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1 SSAP 18 requires that ‘ a material contingent loss should be accrued in financial statements where it is probable that a future event will confirm a loss which can be estimated with reasonable accuracy at the date on which the financial statements are approved ’ ( para 15 ) .
2 Although it is probable that the same applies to established onshore centres , the fact is that it is the offshore centres , especially those in the Caribbean , that are most at risk from drugs money .
3 It is not clear how far there were similar local grievances to those of the Kentishmen in some of the other shires which were involved in the revolt , notably Sussex and Surrey , although it is probable that the resentment of the citizens of Salisbury at the powers which the bishop exercised there may have been one factor behind the murder of Ayscough ( 7 ; 147 , pp.63 , 66–8 ) .
4 I would suggest that it is probable that Marx , as a materialist , would not have disagreed with Bukharin 's exposition of the case , since Marx 's own illustrations of simple and extended reproduction were implicitly based upon the same assumptions .
5 It considers that early implementation-would not add greatly to the costs of preparation of financial statements and that it is probable that such costs would be exceeded by the benefits to users .
6 Provision is made for deferred taxation only to the extent that it is probable that the tax will become payable , and is at the rate at which it is estimated that the tax will be paid .
7 Provision is made for timing differences between the treatment of certain items for taxation and accounting purposes to the extent that it is probable that a liability or asset will crystallise .
8 Deferred tax should be accounted for to the extent that it is probable that an asset or liability will arise .
9 Provision is made for timing differences between the treatment of certain items for taxation and accounting purposes , to the extent that it is probable that a liability or asset will crystallise .
10 Deferred tax should be provided to the extent that it is probable that an asset or liability will arise .
11 Provision is made for timing differences between the treatment of certain items for taxation and accounting purposes , to the extent that it is probable that a liability or asset will crystallise .
12 Dealing firstly with the question of risk , it is our view that if the balance of medical evidence is that the deterioration will occur , then that is more than a risk and the appropriate course is for the Court to award damages on the basis that it is probable that the deterioration will occur .
13 Whether the Minister likes it or not , I believe that it is probable that MacSharry 's notions will be accepted .
14 But just as a deeply flawed system of classification was operated for many years before the 1981 Education Act by professionals who openly disavowed it , so it is probable that levels of attainment will be used in most decisions about children who experience difficulties .
15 Depending on the software and the linkages provided it is probable that overflow records will have to be retrieved and checked as they are encountered .
16 Both Amis and Eliot can be considered seasoned disapprovers , and it is probable that Amis shares the other writer 's distaste for the biographical critic , whose activities may be responsibly conducted , and are generally acknowledged to have been successful at times , but have often been reckoned to fail .
17 No golf at all was reported in 1916 and it is probable that next to nothing was played .
18 Gonorrhoea is not a modern disease , and it is probable that the reference in Leviticus , Chapter 15 , to an ‘ issue out of flesh ’ is to gonococcal urethritis .
19 Their father 's name was Theunis Krankoor , and it is probable that either he or his father was the first person to take that name too .
20 And it is probable that he then left them again , taking his believing wife with him , and lived by the gospel .
21 An MC200 pilot claimed one Hurricane damaged , and it is probable that it was these fighters , rather than Bf109s , which attacked Laubscher and/or Pain subsequent to their fight with the biplanes .
22 There is also already evidence that healthier lifestyles at early ages — including , in particular , abstention from smoking , a reduction in alcohol consumption , more controlled eating , and regular exercise — are now being adopted , and it is probable that they will improve health at a later stage for the cohorts which adopt them .
23 The second of the two brothers also died soon after the events I have described , and it is probable that Gunhilda then returned to Wilton , for she was later remembered there with honour .
24 Other evidence , such as the votive faience robes mentioned earlier , tells us that elaborate dresses were offered to deities and it is probable that statues of deities were clothed in these .
25 However , the baby is equipped with mechanisms which allow it to respond to the physical difficulties of birth — the breathing response etc. — and it is probable that mechanisms also exist to cope with the circumstances of being thrust into a new world .
26 For example , the pressures on nomadic and tribal peoples to adopt a more settled way of life are increasing , and it is probable that a number of these groups may either cease , or radically alter , their rug-making traditions in the foreseeable future .
27 For long processing times this will be too low a figure , but it will then be part of run times markedly higher as a result of overall long processing times and it is probable that overflow records will not cause much extra delay .
28 Bronze Age tagged and barbed arrow heads have been found in at least eight places widely distributed over the island and three more of the leaf shape , and it is probable that others found have not been reported .
29 It is likely , however , that the coming together of the cold and the blackthorn blossom is one of accident ; and it is probable that the belief is another vestige of the primitive form of reasoning displayed in homoeopathic or imitative magic .
30 Over 800 modules are available to students and it is probable that all 3,000 students registered have unique programmes of study .
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