Example sentences of "[be] expect [prep] be able " in BNC.

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1 This means that actors are expected to be able to control any regional or foreign accent which is natural to them , and deliver a text in what may best be called ‘ the classical style ’ .
2 Workers are expected to be able to deal with a range of tasks and managers to be able to respond to immediate changes in demand .
3 The three services differ in their ‘ substitutability ’ — that is , the degree to which informal carers ( other household members , relatives , and friends ) are expected to be able to substitute for the services which might be provided by formal carers ( paid professionals ) ( Arber et al.
4 Personal computer and workstation manufacturers are expected to be able to use the board to build powerful file servers in the $10,000 price bracket .
5 USL declined to reveal pricing until Univel Inc — joint-owned by USL and Novell Inc — rolls out the end-user shrink-wrapped Unixware version in September-October , but as Unigram reported last week ( UX No 389 ) , OEMs are expected to be able to get it out of the door for around $350 .
6 More generally , the fact that literary studies is sometimes thought of as a general training in thinking and writing means that you are expected to be able to control how you write — in particular , that you are able consistently to use a particular appropriate register .
7 Previously it had only been expected to be able to offer a 16-way system in its first go-round .
8 Erm as with many , many parts of the Gospel you 're expected you 're expected to be able to look more deeply than on the surface .
9 Meetings therefore always took place at five-thirty in the evening , a time when a politician , a lawyer or a captain of industry might be expected to be able to get away from his office for an important private occasion .
10 Military commissions were in demand in Scotland , and Scottish politicians were expected to be able to satisfy their friends , and with an almost constant 25 per cent of the officer corps drawn from Scotland they clearly succeeded to an astonishing degree in obtaining positions for their countrymen .
11 The company was fully bonded and all 1,400 holidaymakers currently overseas on skiing trips in France and Austria with its subsidiary , Kaleidoscope , were expected to be able to complete their holidays while those with bookings would be reimbursed .
12 The party 's spin-doctors had remained sceptical about the polls , but they were expecting to be able to argue that the Conservatives had lost their mandate , even if they were clinging to power in a hung parliament .
13 State the behavioural objectives to be reached at the end of the programme , i.e. what the learner is expected to be able to do .
14 The lender ( or group of lenders ) is expected to be able to fulfil its obligations under the facility .
15 The only obligations to transfer economic benefits which should not be taken into account are those which would not be considered in accordance with the going concern concept , that is , those which would only arise on the insolvency of the issuer and , where the issuer is expected to be able to comply with covenants on loan and similar agreements , those which would follow a breach of those covenants .
16 He is expected to be able to vote in the crucial Maastricht Treaty referendum on Sunday .
17 Advanced Micro Devices Inc is expected to be able to produce up to 600,000 Am486 chips this year , and it could produce some 4m — where Intel Corp is expected to produce some 26m 80486 chips this year and another 31m of the things in 1994 .
18 The singer is expected to be able to realize and express the emotional and spiritual implications of what he is singing .
19 Competency-based teacher education — the requiring of teacher education institutions to specify and demonstrate what each teacher is expected to be able to do as a result of his/her training ;
20 Science is expected to be able to provide a guarantee that a bridge of some design will withstand various stresses and not collapse , but not that all bridges of that design will be satisfactory .
21 Fortunately , telecommunication technology is developing almost as fast as silicon chip technology and is expected to be able to meet the demands that will be made on it by computers and microelectronics over the next few years .
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