Example sentences of "[be] generally accepted that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , though it must be generally accepted that individuals can not be protected from foolish actions based on an inadequate knowledge of the law , the situation following the 1954 Act was so complex and , because of the inevitable unpredictability of the necessity for compulsory purchase , so risky that it appeared likely ( in retrospect at least ) that public opinion would demand a further change .
2 It is generally accepted that aims should be reviewed ( even if this does not result in alteration ) every four years .
3 It is generally accepted that managers are motivated to pursue profits , whereas they are not greatly motivated to keep within a cost budget .
4 It is generally accepted that odours per se do not cause a risk of infection and it is doubtful whether nausea , sleeplessness , mental strain or depression , commonly suffered by people exposed to odours , would be regarded as evidence of prejudice to health , as they affect a person 's general well-being , rather than threaten a clinical disease .
5 Although there is a claim that these vats were introduced by Charles Tennant Dunlop and Heinrich Buff of Giessen , it is generally accepted that Shanks was responsible for their development .
6 It is generally accepted that control systems have to be organized in parallel to the activities that they are intended to monitor .
7 It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success and that it is often easier to work towards realistic short-term targets .
8 In the Middle Ages it was generally accepted that women 's ears turned men on to the same extent as the more obvious feminine attributes ; that is why so may medieval headdresses ensured that women 's ears were discreetly covered .
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