Example sentences of "[be] [adj] to assume that the " in BNC.

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1 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
2 It would be wrong to assume that the divisions in the Tory Party , which became so evident after Mrs Thatcher was dumped , have been healed .
3 Yet even if there were short-term cause to rejoice , the mandarins would be wrong to assume that the most effective way out of Japan 's current problems — slow growth , asset-price deflation and a troubled financial sector — is to indulge their strongest instinct : to re-regulate everything .
4 While not necessarily accepting the fatalism of this argument , it would be wrong to assume that the balance of power between the sexes can be changed simply by persuading more girls to take ‘ boys ’ subjects ' : the issue is clearly too complex to justify simplistic remedies .
5 However , it would be wrong to assume that the future will be dominated by a material , objectified consciousness .
6 The elaboration and detail of the scheme and the variety of techniques available under it to protect investors suggests that it would be wrong to assume that the statute and its rulemaking powers should be interpreted as being in the shadow of the common law .
7 It is not possible to identify the proportional contributions of student and supervisor to the publication , in terms of information content , but in the case of mapping assignments , it would be logical to assume that the student performed most of the fieldwork , deriving theoretical insights in later discussion with the supervisor and others .
8 It is not possible to identify the proportional contributions of student and supervisor to the publication , in terms of information content , but in the case of mapping assignments , it would be logical to assume that the student performed most of the fieldwork , deriving theoretical insights in later discussion with the supervisor and others .
9 It would be reasonable to assume that the considerable changes that took place in Britain were a result of these large-scale confiscations .
10 If it can be shown that most children recorded as unoccupied in the census also had economically inactive lone mothers then it would be reasonable to assume that the concerns about numerator-denominator bias expressed by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys may be exaggerated .
11 It would be prudent to assume that the GRU , in collaboration with its clients , is effective at identifying needs and diverting what it purloins to the right places .
12 A decade or three back , when most of us could visit most countries without a visa , there was little expectation that this would prove a high water mark and that restrictions would steadily increase , but we may not be able to assume that the freedom to dial direct to distant countries will continue to increase : Egypt has cut direct-dial telephone links with Pakistan , Afghanistan , Iraq , Sudan and Iran to make it harder for Moslem militant leaders in exile to communicate with groups at home and organise terrorist attacks , the Al-Akhbar newspaper reports ; it is still possible to call via an operator .
13 But it would be unwise to assume that the advancing industrialization of the Soviet Union was increasingly leading to a form of politics in which organized groups took a more significant part .
14 IT MIGHT be fair to assume that the people who made the posters for both Labour and the Conservatives would be experts on the way the campaign has been run .
15 It is usual to assume that the pupils will be able to use close-range materials on the desk or table in front of them , and then look up to the blackboard , perhaps to copy notes or diagrams displayed there , then quickly refocus on to their desk work .
16 To simplify the dynamics of the model , it is usual to assume that the market situation in each period is the same : the same population of firms faces the same market demand with the same cost conditions in each period .
17 ‘ It is wrong to assume that the woman must show signs of injury or that she must always physically resist before there can be a conviction for rape .
18 First , he is wrong to assume that the policy to which he refers is espoused only by the Government : until now , there has been a bipartisan commitment to ensuring that mentally ill people receive care and facilities that are properly attuned to their needs .
19 In fact , it is unsafe to assume that the intensity of direct competition between males should necessarily be reduced in monogamous species .
20 It is easy to assume that the law about planning new developments , or changing the environment around us , only affects us when we need to take a positive step — such as applying for permission to extend our own property .
21 It is also now recognized that even where there may be some correlation between certain factors and certain forms of abuse , it is inappropriate to assume that the one causes the other ; both may be linked to a third but underlying set of structures and mechanisms .
22 It is naive to assume that the existence of city technology colleges or grant maintained schools will act as a stimulus to the rest .
23 It is reasonable to assume that the carer 's preference provides some part of the causal explanation ; but it is also likely that the carers ’ preferences were influenced by the severity of the sufferer 's condition , and by whether long-term institutional care was expected , already planned , or already known to be unlikely .
24 Consequently , since the substitutes too are expected to play a role in the manumission ( owing to the general clause ) , it is reasonable to assume that the testator did not intend it to apply to their case too .
25 It is reasonable to assume that the storehouse is our local church .
26 It is reasonable to assume that the territory governed from Knossos , for instance , extended eastwards for roughly half the distance between Knossos and Mallia and southwards for roughly half the distance between Knossos and Phaistos .
27 Where a person offers a rule in this manner , it is reasonable to assume that the rule constitutes a reason for his actions , and in trying to make sense of the world of the football fan it is reasons , rather than causes , which we are seeking .
28 It is reasonable to assume that the daughters , particularly the elder ones , of such families will have been brought up to share in household chores .
29 If lesion A affects function X but not function Y while lesion B affects function Y but not function N , it is reasonable to assume that the effects observed are specific to the loci of lesions A and B rather than to the general effects of brain damage .
30 For all practical purposes , it is reasonable to assume that the children classified as unoccupied at the census were living in poverty in one parent families .
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