Example sentences of "[pron] got through to the " in BNC.

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1 which I think there were four competitors , one of whom got through to the district final and eventually to the national final that John is going to on Saturday .
2 Anyway , I got through to the finals , that was really nerve-racking , and my mum and my boyfriend came along to see me in it .
3 But I must have felt the need for some support , because I found I 'd grabbed hold of one of my hammers — a geologist is always armed with a hammer — and when I got through to the back of the house he was there already , at the kitchen window . ’
4 and rung the A A , so as I got through to the A A man I says erm , you know , I says I , where I was parked and all like that and where I was stood and the chap says oh I 'll get a , a van up to ya as soon as I can , but I says wait a minute , I says my car 's just arrived and Joan was the mechanic , he lifted bonnet up and touched something and you brought it down did n't you ?
5 She rang the Sunday Herald number , placating her conscience with the thought that she might not have time to ring Tracey that evening after all ; but when she got through to the news desk , she discovered that he had taken the shuttle to Glasgow the morning before .
6 over that woman 's feet , cos you know what she did , she rang up Lynnette , she got through to the wrong extension Debbie answered , she slammed the phone down , and Debbie knew it were her she went mad
7 I was one of 15 who got through to the third stage which is a five day winter course .
8 Well we 've talked football , we 've talked speedway , we 're now going to talk rugby , because if you 've been following the exploits of the Bicester Rugby Club , you 'll know they got through to the semi-finals of a big national competition , and they play that semi-final this coming Saturday .
9 Aware of the constant potential threat from gangs of gunmen , their mission was to bring the food into the country and make sure it got through to the people most deserving of it .
10 He got through to the base camp to find out when the chap was coming to fix it .
11 yeah , you see , so we were laughing about this , anyway , Christopher phoned up and said he got through to the second part , he was the only one that was going through to the second part and he phoned up about forty five minutes later to say that he 'd erm , he 'd got the job
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