Example sentences of "[pron] stand in [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 The rowan tree ( Sorbus aucuparia ) or in Gaelic , which stands in the corner of the kitchen garden or just beyond the house or byre , has protected the home , the family and the cattle from witches and fairies for centuries , and has endured after many a homestead has been deserted .
2 The feelings may be imagined of the pupil who rashly let fall a slighting reference to Sohrab and Rustum , to be answered by Lewis 's brandishing an old regimental sword of his brother 's which stood in the corner of his room and shouting , ‘ The sword must settle this ! ’
3 And er I think in the junior school , it was in the juniors you did n't get punishment there as children in the first school , you stood in a corner , that was your punishment .
4 Beyond him , she caught sight of something standing in the corner .
5 To have one standing in the corner of every room in the house is a tremendous help to an old person who can not bend ; although , of course , one will suffice , as it can be carried from one room to another when it is needed .
6 In the old days , life was simple in schools in the sense that if pupils did n't do what they were supposed to do you thrashed them , or made them stand in the corner , or expelled them .
7 They had suddenly pulled up his breeches and made him stand in the corner .
8 And they stood in a corner and drank them , and exchanged their names , at last : she much admired the clear way with which he presented his own .
9 It stood in the corner of a small field , larger and more impressive than any I 'd yet seen .
10 He stood in the corner of the kitchen , hanging his head and peeping through his fingers .
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