Example sentences of "[pron] [is] generally agreed that " in BNC.

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1 It 's generally agreed that , given the constraints imposed by its function and the site , the power station is rather successful architecturally . ’
2 It 's generally agreed that I need looking after .
3 It is generally agreed that only one wing-tip should be held while the glider is being moved about .
4 The effect of the Sicilian experience on Yeats is disputed by Yeats scholars , but it is generally agreed that some effect there was .
5 It is generally agreed that he has mishandled the students , who have been threatened , bullied , fired on with tear-gas grenades ; and now the university is closed which means that these cynical and angry students are all over the country spreading disillusion .
6 It is generally agreed that objects appear smaller and heavier as they move upwards .
7 Although psychics describe the aura differently ( according to their own level of psychic perception ) , it is generally agreed that the aura is composed of at least three layers or levels .
8 For many , this would be the natural choice anyway with or without government policy , and it is generally agreed that the ideals behind community care are good ones .
9 It is generally agreed that these redshifts are caused by the expansion of the Universe .
10 It is generally agreed that a reduction of at least 85 per cent in chlorine producing compounds is necessary to keep present atmospheric chlorine levels stable .
11 It is generally agreed that the conference market is growing by approximately 10 per cent per annum .
12 It is generally agreed that , at the present time , there is insufficient provision to meet with dignity the needs of all those over the age of 75 .
13 It is generally agreed that the primitive mammals existing at that time were shrew-like creatures that lived by eating insects , and that the various groups of mammals that we see today , such as cats , rats , monkeys , whales , and horses , all evolved from this unpromising ancestor .
14 Whilst it is generally agreed that increases in the money supply can cause higher prices , the question is through what mechanism does it operate ?
15 It is generally agreed that Japan possesses many of the institutional characteristics of other capitalist societies , but these institutions do not produce the same degree of impersonal alienation because subordinates are regularly consulted and authority is ‘ soft ’ and legitimate .
16 It is generally agreed that the advent of The Sunday Correspondent and The Independent On Sunday combined with falling circulation figures to precipitate a full-blown identity crisis at The Observer .
17 It is generally agreed that making a bad decision ( for which the remedy is an appeal ) will not normally be treated as ground for dismissal of a Circuit judge as showing ‘ inability or misbehaviour ’ .
18 It is generally agreed that up to about 11 a.m. on Monday 19 October 1987 the large negative basis was caused by the delayed opening of many shares , that is , non-trading .
19 Of the two methods it is generally agreed that ‘ write black ’ is much better at fine lines and accurate reproduction of small typeface sizes while ‘ write white ’ is best for large areas of solid black .
20 However , it is generally agreed that industrial structure plays no general part in the urban-rural shift .
21 However , it is generally agreed that we should cut down on fat and ear more foods containing complex carbohydrates ( starch and fibre-rich foods ) and include lots of fresh vegetables , fruit and a sensible amount of protein .
22 One state Department cable to the US ambassador in Teheran asked him to remind the Shah the reforms were necessary " because it is generally agreed that without some reforms Iran as likely as Khrushchev predicted to fall to Soviets like ripe plum "
23 I think that it is generally agreed that a positive way forward is to have a partnership between farming and environmental interests .
24 It is generally agreed that the young long-term unemployed present particular and often unfamiliar problems in the field of social , educational and employment policy .
25 It is generally agreed that students/trainees are observed performing on many occasions over a period of time as a natural part of the learning process .
26 This was an effective method of recognition , but it is generally agreed that the method works only for highly constrained tasks .
27 Similarly , it is generally agreed that the discourse-deictic words like moreover , besides , anyway , well , etc. , in utterance-initial position , do not make any difference to truth conditions ( Grice , 1961 , 1975 ; Wilson , 1975 ) .
28 It is generally agreed that retail investors need a far higher level of supervision because of their lack of knowledge and because of the severe consequences of loss .
29 However , as long as this distinction is understood , it is generally agreed that the term ‘ pitch ’ is a convenient one to use informally to refer both to the subjective sensation and to the objectively measurable fundamental frequency .
30 It is generally agreed that Haydn was the father of the string quartet , and he set the highest standards : the quartets of Beethoven and Schubert could hardly have been written without his brilliant examples of how it should be done .
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