Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] off the ground " in BNC.

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1 But a strong feeling persisted , when I swung my feet off the ground and lay back , that something was trying to slip between me and reality .
2 The Prince 's Youth Business Trust , which gives grants and loans to disadvantaged young people hoping to start their own businesses , is looking for volunteer business advisers prepared to give up a few hours a month to help the youngsters get their projects off the ground .
3 ‘ Well , your Lucy has got you winding her chain , darling , and she just wo n't take her feet off the ground and let go — am I right ? ’
4 The replacements got their planes off the ground and Woolley marshalled them into a broad arrowhead , with Dickinson and Church out on the flanks .
5 By contrast , the scene in ET The Extra-Terrestrial ( 1982 , NA $228.6 million ) where ET and the children ride their bicycles off the ground and across the sky is clearly fantasy and was accomplished with two-foot-high ( 60-cm ) models , using computer-controlled 3-D animation .
6 When he is walking outside , the patient has to be specially careful to lift his feet off the ground so that he does not trip .
7 On peering through a hole in the wall I saw that Poulette was a strapping Ardennaise , performing her duties admirably , but that her poor master was having to press so hard to keep the plough in the soil that the entire weight of his body was being taken by his arms and he was advancing across the vineyards behind Poulette with his feet off the ground .
8 And then you lift your feet off the ground and rush round and round , faster and faster and the momentum even twists the chain up again the other way ? ’
9 ‘ It does n't matter how tall you are , if you ca n't get your feet off the ground , you 're no better than anyone else .
10 ‘ Would you do a marathon of keeping your feet off the ground for as long as possible with Les Dawson ? ’
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