Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] ever [verb] before " in BNC.

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1 Valerie Masters … they and so many others arrived , did their songs with more panache than I 'd ever heard before , and departed .
2 I felt lower than I 'd ever felt before .
3 It was n't like anything I 'd ever felt before .
4 It was like nothing I 'd ever experienced before — so much feeling , so much exquisite joy .
5 I prayed for them in their growing up years more than I had ever done before .
6 However , when I heard Mr. Gorbachev speaking at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in 1989 , about a common European home , I could perceive an image of Europe that made me feel far more European than I had ever done before .
7 Across the bridge the track followed the old corpse road back to Muker through meadows fuller with flowers than I had ever seen before .
8 It was a human sound , but unlike one I had ever heard before .
9 ‘ He was different , totally different — different to any boy I had ever met before — quite … quite uninhibited . ’
10 Edwards said : ‘ The most I had ever scored before for Wigan was four tries — I never dreamt I 'd score ten .
11 I tried to slacken pace but the slowest I went seemed to be faster than I had ever run before .
12 But it 's like nothing else I 've ever felt before .
13 Tonally the Atlantis is a different kettle of fish from any Rick I 've ever played before .
14 ‘ I do think this record is unlike any record that I 've ever done before .
15 I do n't I do n't know that I 'd fancy doing , I mean I did like biology , but I do n't think I 'd specifically want to do the biology at the level that they 're doing it up there , cos it 's too much of a jump from what I 've ever done before
16 There 's more humans in this place than I 've ever seen before .
17 I think I can see electrical equipment in here , bigger than anything I 've ever seen before .
18 ‘ One of my parts is very much on the marketing side and this has actually flourished and the demands on my time for giving talks and presentations all over the world at very high levels has become more demanding than I 've ever known before . ’
19 Couples noisy with their love ( for nobody has ever loved before — not properly — have they ? ) may irritate , but ca n't be mocked .
20 He discovers that there really are things that nobody has ever done before .
21 You got right through to me in a way nobody has ever done before .
22 Nobody has ever complained before .
23 There was a gleam in his eyes nobody had ever seen before .
24 In the second case the changes were reversed with the comment that nobody had ever objected before .
25 His voice was harsher than she 'd ever heard before .
26 When Miss Poraway had mentioned a Tupperware party Mrs Stead-Carter had gone much further than she 'd ever gone before .
27 There was n't much traffic about at that time of the morning and Jean was driving faster than she 'd ever done before ; trees , hedges and fields just flashed past as the Cortina fairly gobbled up the miles .
28 Then , faster than she 'd ever climbed before , she went up that tree .
29 He was so close she could feel her own name as much as hear it , and she closed her eyes , gripped by a longing more powerful than anything she 'd ever known before .
30 The rage burned a week , after which she fell totally silent for three days ; a silence broken by a grief like nothing she 'd ever experienced before .
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