Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] long since [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd long since given up trying to get her not to call me that .
2 ‘ Well , all right , so I thought the decision was surprising , but I 'd long since realized that if I allowed that sort of thing to keep me awake at night I was going to be a chronic insomniac .
3 It was this last that gave him pause , for , he was to say , ‘ Although I had no knowledge of it — that place where the Twelve Judges sit — I believed that I had long since dreamed it , and I knew it for a place of great finality and immense power .
4 I 've long since pledged my sword to any who would help rid this borough of the damned Daine .
5 It 's all good-humoured teasing and winding up , and for my part I 've long since ceased to care whether or not anyone regards me as the worst climber in the world or some sort of antediluvian relic with no rights to any opinion on ‘ rock climbing as it is done these days . ’
6 We descended in human but not mechanical silence into the Inferno of the Friday evening rush hour , the appropriate punishment , I have long since thought , for the millions in that city and in every other who live and think as we did .
7 The ecological setting was similar to that of today , except for an alkaline lake which has long since evaporated .
8 Originally it stood in a small church in Via San Pietrò which has long since disappeared , and was christened the ‘ Man of Stone ’ when it was repositioned .
9 When the history of the church was being researched a footnote in an 18th century volume identified a drawing of some stained-glass panels which had long since fallen into disrepair and had been replaced by plain lights .
10 The Williams family have been here since 1797 , when Robert Williams bought the manor of Littlebredy , which had long since degenerated into a farmhouse .
11 The first to come forward was Bertram Morris who , back in his student days in the 1930s , had obtained a pilot 's ‘ A ’ licence which had long since expired .
12 In a corner of the floor stood a saucer of milk which had long since turned to an unsavoury junket embellished with blue mould .
13 As regards restoration , just as we would not dream of stripping out the original interior of the Blackfriar , by the same token we would not seek to preserve a Thirties estate pub which had long since ceased to address the needs of the community it was built to serve .
14 After that story was published , the discounting game , which had long since ceased to be a secret in the computer room , was a factor in the boardroom .
15 This gripping drama owes much to the shades of menace hinted at in Caffrey 's Man , and the semi-hysterical flutterings of O'Mahoney 's King , who has long since toppled from his throne .
16 He handled it all like a veteran superstar who has long since learned to accept that fame and fortune have a downside , as well as an upside .
17 She had long since realized her husband worked for the government , but he had never discussed it with her , much less told her he was a spy .
18 A shaft of disgust she thought she had long since escaped .
19 She had long since decided that , in her own words , ‘ legend always triumphs over historical fact ’ .
20 His mouth was clasped to her breast but she had long since run out of milk to feed him .
21 Her husband 's smile , which she had long since discovered to be a deceitful thing , wavered on his lips like a breeze over a cornfield , and he was slow to answer .
22 She had long since grown out of her disco dingbat phase .
23 She had long since grown used to the sight of her only daughter charging recklessly into battle — usually with her hand firmly clasped on the wrong end of the stick .
24 She had long since abandoned that hope .
25 Trained in a business where presentation was paramount , she had long since learned the best way to project the image of herself she wished other people to see .
26 She had long since left the path and he had been travelling across rough land for some time — there was a high trail of dust behind the vehicle .
27 Captain Robins was a Yorkshireman in his fifties who had long since lost his accent amidst the welter of a dozen dialects .
28 Women who had long since stopped listening except to their own ossified ramblings .
29 She who had long since learned the necessary control to hide her feelings was about to suffer the greatest humiliation of all , the fall of angry tears which would betray her sensitivity , leaving her naked and vulnerable before this man whom she had begun to trust … åd his friends …
30 Those who had long since forgotten their prayers , mouthed pieces of play , pieces of the Mysteries that had been recited like prayers for two hundred years .
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