Example sentences of "[pron] [be] gon na [be] " in BNC.

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1 And so we 've said life is it 's gon na bring us problems , it 's gon na bring us storms , it 's tempests , and some of them are gon na be very , very fierce !
2 And just as everybody who looked to that serpent on the pole was healed , so I am gon na be lifted up on a cross and everybody who looks in faith to me , and in obedience receives my gift of forgiveness , they will be saved !
3 I 'm gon na be big forever . ' ’
4 I 'm gon na be stinking pissed when I get home , ’ he muttered .
5 ‘ One day I 'm gon na be a star . ’
6 And the insane , uncontrollable screaming of ‘ I 'm gon na be a pop star might be a bit much for some .
7 ‘ Look , I do n't know how long I 'm gon na be doing this , ’ he begins pragmatically .
8 Yes , by the way I 'm gon na be able to see Max , I 'll tell you that now because I 've been dragged off to another conference , I 'm actually going down to the , to the rehabilitation workers ' phones
9 Well I 'm gon na be a lawyer
10 Oh agents exist in different forms really , erm I 'm gon na be , we 'll be mentioning the notion of political agents in central government later er in , in , in ce in general elections later on .
11 We are we are very close now to completing the final lease agreement with Moat erm as we 're not quite there yet I 'm I 'm gon na be suggesting if it 's possible to er , amend er one of the recommendations er , recommendation B , er , to take note of the facts that we quite er , finalised the agreement yet erm I wanted to try and get in line with the er , programme for the recommendation which came out of Great Parndon Neighbourhood Committee .
12 sort of , to put it , I 'm gon na be is that as from tomorrow we will have identified what erm desking and so on will be moved during the reorganization erm , and obviously any of the desking that is n't gon na be moved until the organization , we 'll be tidying up the cables .
13 I 'm gon na be talking , Miss is gon na be talking , but you 're gon na be talking .
14 I 'm gon na be slower than them .
15 And I 'm gon na be like Max Farnham if I carry on like this , from Brookside , with an ulcer , because I thought , Oh I wish I had n't have done that .
16 I 'm gon na be sick , ’ said one .
17 Because I had seen my young brother-in-law and I says I 'm gon na be like that then , did n't fe er feel any of this er at that time .
18 Ten years from now I 'm gon na be 52 , and I 'm not going to be able to go down the Hacienda without looking a complete prat .
19 I will be out there because I am , and this may have surprised a lot of , a very youthful appearance of me , I 'm gon na be a granddad in August and October this year .
20 And we used to er do a food run down and they used to come up and erm And then we went along to a to a lodge meeting th the men invited us along and I remember one of the comments back in September from one of the men was , Oh well I 'm gon na be nagged back to work soon .
21 If er I 'm gon na be taking thirty five percent er up front
22 Okay , so what we 're looking at over these two days and what in order for you to be able to say yes we 've achieved the objectives er by tomorrow is how to use that time that we have to prepare to the most er efficient and effective so that e the preparation you know when you 've prepared it that yes when I stand up to speak I 'm gon na be able to put these points over effectively and make the presentation memorable .
23 Now I 'm sure you 'd like to know what I 'm gon na be teaching next week apart from this so if you 'd like to read ahead , we 'll be looking at decision-making in organisations , okay ?
24 Anybody who has any concerns or questions I I 'm gon na be here for a few minutes .
25 But I mean , your looking at a twenty , thirty year old now , who says I 'm gon na be packing up when I 'm fifty .
26 I 'm gon na be the drummer , and
27 Grant , I 'm gon na be sheriff .
28 If they do Ah I do n't think I 'm gon na be a bit bloody pleased !
29 Yeah as right as I 'm gon na be I suppose .
30 Yeah right as I 'm gon na be for the time
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