Example sentences of "[art] indications [be] that he " in BNC.

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1 It is not possible to reconstruct a detailed history of Ine 's reign but the indications are that he ruled with firmness .
2 The indications are that he only began to reign in 738 , for an eclipse of the sun , followed by a lunar eclipse , which occurred in January 753 , is described in the eighth-century Northumbrian annals as happening in his fifteenth year , whereas Eadberht 's fifteenth year if he succeeded in 737 would have been 751–2 .
3 In 768 Alhred married Osgifu , daughter of King Oswulf ( 758–9 ) , presumably an attempt to strengthen the dynastic aspirations of both families by a judicious alliance , and the indications are that he made an effort to behave in a way appropriate to his new position .
4 ‘ I have n't had the pathologist 's report but the indications are that he was strangled after being stunned by a blow to the head . ’
5 Although it is not clear whether the Falange leader was notified at the same time , the indications are that he was aware of Franco 's decision , for he called an extraordinary session of the party 's National Council , in order to elect a permanent party leader .
6 All the indications are that he 's been , that he does not wish to be involved with any disputes .
7 And yet , early yesterday morning , when the squad returned to Luton , the indications were that he would keep changes to a minimum for the friendly against Italy at Wembley next month .
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