Example sentences of "[prep] removing [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The bass cut which this control provides has the effect of removing some of the boxiness that clutters up the lower mid-range at high volumes .
2 Now down into crawler gear he pushes on , finding regular protection by the simple expedient of removing most of the ice !
3 Do n't worry about removing all of the flesh from the seeds as it will do no harm .
4 They believe that personal ‘ gaffer-to-man ’ contact has been responsible for removing much of the industrial conflict which they regard as plaguing the remainder of British industry .
5 Seasoning consists in removing most of the water in a controlled way : essentially it is a drying operation and nothing more .
6 The Heilbron Committee 's endorsement of the decision , together with that of the National Council for Civil Liberties and the Criminal Bar Association , had succeeded in removing most of the opposition to it .
7 These can all be applied to existing vines but without removing any of the top foliage , the advantage being that if the new scion fails to take , the vine still lives and further attempts can be made .
8 I resort to removing many from the aquarium by hand or with a syphon tube — but it is a constant battle to control their population explosions .
9 And he argues that changing social relations imply the need for more specialist and responsive service delivery , while changing managerial technologies ( particularly information technology ) make it possible to flatten managerial hierarchies by removing many of the middle layers and encouraging the growth of decentralized offices with less professional specialization and a greater ability to deal with individual issues across professional lines .
10 By removing these from the representation of all motions we are left with Γ vib , the list of the numbers of vibrations of each symmetry species for the molecule .
11 Much charitable effort was devoted to this cause on the assumption that improved housing conditions , by removing some of the degradation from the lives of the poor , would give them more hope and greater enthusiasm for the struggle for self-help and survival .
12 This would involve identifying those who could satisfy criteria or competence and reliability , and encouraging them by removing some of the administrative restrictions now applying .
13 Another approach is to try to fix the race by removing some of the uncertainty , using primitives which are less informative but more robust .
14 Outside , equal care has been taken to ensure a picturesque setting for the restored building by removing most of the jungly vegetation which formerly swathed the canal banks , dredging the canal and regrading the banks so that guests are greeted with a pleasant prospect from the ground floor lounge and the ‘ wharfside ’ location of the building is appreciated ( Plate 52 ) .
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