Example sentences of "[prep] a sense [prep] shock " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Hardly anything could cause a more widespread and painful sensation ’ , wrote The Times , ‘ the news of his death has come with a sense of shock and almost personal loss to millions . ’
2 Klepner had studied the plan with a sense of shock .
3 With a sense of shock Harriet realised that in the last hours Paula had become more of a stranger to her than she had ever been during the twenty years she had believed her dead .
4 At first she could meet his eyes , but what she saw confused her and she looked at the floor , colour creeping into her cheeks , reacting against the tenderness surprised in herself with a sense of shock that made her brusque and suspicious .
5 His gaze casually swept up the table instead , skimming the bowed heads and carefully composed expressions until it reached Professor St John Goth , where it stopped short with a sense of shock .
6 She recalled with a sense of shock the queen-dowager 's words , her uneasy reference to Richard of Gloucester , when commanded to relinquish her younger son .
7 She took off her hat and laid it on the table , and he saw with a sense of shock that her hair was white down the line of the parting where the tinting had grown out .
8 In Greek tragedy , in most of Jane Austen 's novels , a leading figure in the drama realises with a sense of shock that the world is other than once imagined , and accepts that it is so .
9 With a sense of shock , Alice now realized that the revelation of Félix 's feelings for her had , in fact , radically changed her opinion of herself .
10 Harry switched off the engine and sat staring at the big , grey , stone-built mansion with a sense of shock .
11 With a sense of shock , it occurred to her that Niall might be married .
12 He could n't have been more than five years old , she realised with a sense of shock .
13 It is with a sense of shock and disbelief that I studied the details that the Scottish Arts Council has released concerning its distribution of funds for 1993/94 ( reported , 16 February ) .
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