Example sentences of "[prep] a state [prep] flux " in BNC.

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1 If society in all its aspects has always been in a state of flux , it is highly unlikely that this process will end at any particular time .
2 But it is a feudalism where inequalities and poverty have been intensified by British colonialism and which has in the last thirty-seven years since independence been in a state of flux caused by the varying stages of capitalism which reach out to it from the towns and cities of the Indian sub-continent .
3 Inside their families , too , their roles are in a state of flux , with the past , the peasant past , the tribal past , the colonial past each with its own particular prescription for the woman 's role constantly intruding into the present .
4 In place of the easy verities of a year and a half ago , America now has to cope with a Europe — both east and west — in a state of flux .
5 In the early days , when unionist politics were in a state of flux , some people may have been alienated from the Church by their dislike for Paisley 's political image , but they would not have felt that the Church was a DUP church .
6 It show-cased a band in a state of flux .
7 These disciplines are , at present , in a state of flux and agitation .
8 Back in the world of conventional spreadsheets , the fact that many organisations are in a state of flux between the DOS operating system and Windows is posing a marketing problem for software vendors .
9 With the whole political system in a state of flux , UDC leaders , like other members of the political classes , speculated endlessly about the coming realignments .
10 The audience are caught in a state of flux .
11 The larger systems which make up communities and nations are currently in a state of flux because of the impact of technology .
12 In effect it is conceded that society was in a state of flux , consisting not of four but of five estates , subject nevertheless to fundamental reservations , for the labouring poor are not adjudged worthy of an independent voice .
13 Distinctions were soon lost , and after a spell of being known as Alba the country became once and for all Scotland , though some of its boundaries were still in a state of flux .
14 In Britain these are in a state of flux although there has been much discussion about the role of the inspector over a long period of time .
15 This suggests that the situation may change , and CCM in this country is in a state of flux .
16 Out of Herodotus 's attempt to distinguish truth from myth arose our own codification of discursive types , but in his text this structure is still in a state of flux .
17 It is alive and ever changing , constantly in a state of flux — and often flowing away from us .
18 Practices of keeping donor insemination secret from all others , and of keeping the child in ignorance of his/her means of conception which have traditionally been implicit in the provision of donor insemination are now in a state of flux .
19 He asserted that with the concept of reform still in a state of flux it " must be enriched with new ideas and conclusions " .
20 Lucas maintains that , in an economy in which all nominal prices are rising , workers face a twofold ‘ signal extraction ’ problem ( see Sheffrin , 1983 ) : ( a ) ascertaining whether the real supply price of labour is changing when all other prices are in a state of flux ; ( b ) evaluating the temporary and permanent components of a change in real wages which , in the light of ( a ) , may accompany across the board changes in prices .
21 Now , however , fashion is in a state of flux , and ideas of just what is commercial are open to question .
22 Union competition for membership reflects the relatively unstable condition of union organization in Spain , which has been in a state of flux and development since the restoration of trade union rights .
23 In the immediate transition , industrial relations were in a state of flux as new forms of workforce representation emerged in a spontaneous way , with the semi-clandestine activists of the Francoist period playing a major role .
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