Example sentences of "[prep] [art] short period [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In other cases a relative or foster carer may apply for custody after a shorter period and you will be informed of this action and be able to contest it in court if you wish .
2 After a short period as quarantine master in Bombay in 1832 , Haines was appointed to the survey ship Palinurus to chart the south coast of Arabia .
3 They believe that it is too expensive an option , given that older workers will remain in employment for a shorter period than younger ones .
4 The governments that result , either a minority party governing with the consent of other parties , or a coalition of two or more parties , tend to last for a shorter period than one-party governments but the difference disappears if reshuffles of ministerial posts within single-party governments are taken into account ( Blondel , 1990 , p. 271 ) .
5 He had n't had to suffer as much as her — I do n't so much mean that , like fishes , his pain threshold was higher than a human being 's ( although I do n't doubt that was the case ) as that he 'd been aware that his son was missing for a shorter period than his wife .
6 Such a right would give a monopoly in the program , thus protecting the underlying ideas more effectively than copyright , but the right would last for a shorter period than a patent , say 5 or 7 years maximum .
7 for ignoring to work parents need to learn how to avoid all contact with their child for a short period but remain completely calm and uninterested .
8 All-pervading for a short period but ephemeral in the long term .
9 Cleaned fittings , after disinfection , are re-assembled and the whole is left to air dry for a short period before the empty cabinet is brought down to working temperature and re-filled .
10 Marsh found that on average there was a fall of 0.9 per cent for a short period after the shares went ex-rights .
11 We then test them thoroughly — but often only for a short period as we wish to get the latest fishkeeping news — including the latest products — straight to our readers .
12 Both grass and clovers recover and grow more quickly when grazed hard for a short period and then rested for two to three weeks than they do under continuous nibbling .
13 ‘ Paddock grazing ’ , in which the grassland is divided into small paddocks , grazed hard for a short period and then rested for up to three weeks , is a very good system for the control of parasite worms , the life cycle of which is broken during the rest periods .
14 And in France , Irigarayan psychoanalysts attained a degree of visibility which led them to appear , for a short period and to some people , as the whole French women 's liberation movement ( Turkle 1979 , Moi 1987 ) .
15 Affected fish are dipped in such a solution for a short period and then can be safely returned to the pool .
16 Great Britain , for example , has two chambers — the House of Commons and the House of Lords , but the power of the House of Lords is restricted to the possibility of delaying legislation passed by the Commons for a short period and trying to make amendments to bills , if the government is prepared to accept them .
17 Colleagues , it 's approximately four twenty five , what I propose to do is to go on for a short period and to take in the resolutions on the , on your erm Maastricht erm and then we 'll have a look at the time , but I think we should be able to get those in within a , a relatively short period of time .
18 These jennies were either collected in small workshops or placed out in cottages and seem to have brought increased earnings to many women in the cloth-working families , albeit for a short period until the machines got larger and , more importantly , the largely male-worked spinning mule began to replace the jenny .
19 What , will it be just for a short period cos it was n't nine o clock ?
20 We are still attempting to persuade people that the figures they have been given or have invented are wrong and if we operate on the real figures there is no reason for mass closures of elderly persons homes and we are still attempting to make the refurbishment programme work as best we can to achieve the most we can in the shortest period and for the least money .
21 In the short period since his election by Parliament on November 5 , Muawad tried in vain to spread his government 's hold beyond Syrian-controlled regions and a part of the Christian enclave north of Beirut .
22 Erm , then the erm , the insistence of the driver 's conductors was they did n't like the long periods of duty they erm , they wanted the new set up so I introduced what we call straight duties , narrowed the relief portion , so they did n't go home for a meal , they had about a half an hour off , so they were able to get their eight hour duty done in a shorter period and they 'd probably finish about two instead of half past three , four o'clock .
23 A child who is not feeling well will stop eating temporarily and rapidly lose weight over a short period but this will be regained equally quickly once the child has recovered .
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