Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] further along the " in BNC.

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1 Kim turned– tensing , hearing the soft murmur of voices further along the corridor , then relaxed .
2 Trying to mentally recall a map of the island , the Doctor did n't think there was anything of importance further along the line inland , but he wondered what there might be out to sea … .
3 While it is true that the spores can easily hop over the garden fence , and there is not a lot to be done about sources of infection further along the road , much can be done by being entirely ruthless in cleaning up your fallen leaves and rose debris .
4 It is worth extending the search for quality further along the crag however , where one or two hidden gems may be found lurking in relative isolation .
5 Entitled To Advance Further Along the Road to Perestroika , Gorbachev 's address began with the assertion that there had been a " revolutionary stride " in all spheres of life since he first announced perestroika in April 1985 .
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