Example sentences of "[art] [adj] triumph of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Weimar Republic suffered the same fate : ‘ not only the total triumph of Hitler , but also the more moderate anti-parliamentarians of de Gaulle can be attributed in no small degree to malaise about the discontinuity in the politics of parliamentary governments ’ .
2 In Marx 's more ‘ deterministic ’ formulations these two tendencies — socialisation of production , growth of the working class revolt against exploitation — together guarantee the historical triumph of communism , ‘ capitalist production begets , with the inexorability of a natural process , its own negation ’ ( ibid . ) .
3 Given the recent records of the two teams , England should start favourites to repeat the 2-1 triumph of David Gower 's men in 1984-85 .
4 Indeed the overall triumph of art in this case is that the novel walks out into our fact rather than ourselves entering its fiction : a very primitive and absolute form of consumer capitulation .
5 There seems to have been no clear trend in earnings over the period up to the rapid triumph of machine spinning after 1800 ; in the West of England rates per pound of wool spun were only marginally higher in the 1770s than in the century 's first decade .
6 95 — 7 ) with the eventual triumph of nature : ‘ Nature ( though long kept back ) wil have her owne ’ ( iv .
7 In the schools , French became a compulsory language at the very moment when Arab nationalists were enjoying the linguistic triumph of Arabic over the Turkish of the now broken Ottoman Empire , a victory which had important political implications for the concept of Arab unity .
8 He saw the increasing triumph of Enlightenment — Liberty , Fraternity , Equality , Adultery !
9 Yeltsin told an enthusiastic joint session of Congress on June 17 that " communism is dead " , inviting the people of the USA " to join us in partnership in the name of the worldwide triumph of democracy " and appealing for massive economic aid .
10 Strident editorials in the official press condemned foreign interference and predicted the worldwide triumph of socialism .
11 At the same time he had to sound confident about the ultimate triumph of socialism , against all the evidence that it has failed .
12 The resurrection of personhood , justice and equality , And in the final triumph of brotherhood .
13 Tory aristocrats , Liberals and Fabians all saw in Law 's election the triumph of this " new mercantile Conservatism " and the final triumph of tariff reform ; the party was now in the hands of hard-faced businessmen , and all sorts of undesirable results would inevitably follow .
14 Fukuyama averts his eyes from the poor , and fears no real threat to the permanent triumph of consumer capitalist society except nostalgia and boredom .
15 As a result , Constantine 's victory over Maxentius came to represent a miraculous triumph of Christianity over paganism .
16 Even so , the Bosnian Serbs ' rejection of the Vance-Owen peace plan on May 6th stands out as a spectacular triumph of greed and folly over common sense .
17 In one way , the novel is a final triumph of realism , representing character more inwardly and intimately than ever previously .
18 There was no final triumph of censorship or purity during the nineteenth century , whatever the efforts of the social morality crusaders ; and the continuing concern of moral conservatives over the flood of unexpurgated literature , street ballads , music-hall songs , dubious pamphlets and advertisements attests to their continuing presence as much as to the concern of the moralists .
19 Such is the critical situation at the present day , but the outcome is still unclear : a new triumph of art ( albeit under the name of religion or Wissenschaft itself ? a new barbarism ? new kinds of genius — even perhaps the " artistic Socrates " ?
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