Example sentences of "[art] [adj] deal [prep] attention " in BNC.

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1 Because of their frontality African figure sculptures are commonly photographed or drawn full face , concealing the fact that the sculptor has paid a great deal of attention to the profile view .
2 People who think they 're being persecuted always think people are paying them a great deal of attention so they come to believe that they must in a sense be very important people , ’ he said .
3 Royal Cedar was a fourth winner from only eight runners for first season trainer , John McConnochie , who clearly paid a great deal of attention when assistant to Mercy Rimell .
4 On the other hand ( see page 46 ) reasoning with children involves giving them a great deal of attention which might reinforce and maintain , if not increase , the quarrelsomeness .
5 In my innocence and with musical aspirations , I thought it would be lovely to be married to a professional pianist ; after all , my good friend Fraser Muirhead was paying a great deal of attention to Margaret Geddes , another of the city 's first class piano teachers .
6 In North America these groups have received a great deal of attention , and provided valuable infomation on the Pleistocene climate .
7 And the city 's Greensight Project , started by the Rural Preservation Organisation , is now attracting a great deal of attention .
8 This auto-haemorrhage , as it is called , is an astonishing refinement of the death-feigning strategy , implying that predators pay a great deal of attention to minute details of their prey 's condition .
9 Interim reporting has been attracting a great deal of attention over the past year .
10 I have met women who epitomize the ‘ good mother ’ ; they genuinely love and care for their children and give them a great deal of attention , playing with them and guiding them in a way that most of us feel we can never emulate .
11 But as the policy of giving a great deal of attention to politicians had become established , complaints were inevitable : certain individual politicians were given more publicity than others , which led to jealousy .
12 A great deal of attention is being paid to the media there .
13 When other people criticise or praise us we pay a great deal of attention to those descriptions and whether they are true or not , start to act them out .
14 Since it first appeared , Althusser 's work has attracted a great deal of attention , and his opponents have focussed in particular on his holist stance .
15 Third , and most centrally , the government draw a great deal of attention to the need to establish a close fit or match between secondary school teachers ' specialist subject qualifications , and their teaching responsibilities in school .
16 They were thus inspired to assume flower names , and attracted a great deal of attention and interest — precisely , in fact , what they had previously been denied .
17 In fact , a great deal of attention and joy are focused on the newborn baby and its mother , but this soon evaporates .
18 As soon as it was launched in 1986 the East London Compact attracted a great deal of attention from people wishing to learn how a local Partnership between Education and Industry could work to enhance the educational experiences and vocational opportunities of young people .
19 What is required now is a strategy for the socialist use of democratic control over the local state which , while never neglecting what efforts are possible at providing services in a socialist ( i. e. humane and effective ) fashion in the foreseeable future , pays a great deal of attention to the use of resources for the mobilization of forces .
20 Eastern Europe has been the focus of a great deal of attention since the near-impenetrable Eastern Bloc unfolded into a series of heterogeneous markets .
21 A second view that a scientific theory is a complex structure of some kind is one that has received a great deal of attention in recent years .
22 At the lime that it was published , the report received a great deal of attention since it coincided with the brief economic boom of 1971 — 2 and workers were leaving agriculture at an alarming rate .
23 A great deal of attention was given to their terms of service and remuneration .
24 Her importance as a future Queen Consort naturally attracted a great deal of attention in 1980 and through to that summer of 1981 .
25 A year earlier Matisse had show his painting Le Bonheur de Vivre ( Barnes Foundation , Merrion , Penn. ) at the Salon des Indépendants , where it had received a great deal of attention , and during the winter of 1907 Derain was engaged in painting a canvas of bathers ( Museum of Modern Art , New York ) which he intended to show at the Indépendants of 1907 , so that it is possible that the Demoiselles may have been prompted by a spirit of rivalry .
26 First , the ‘ European bookseller Year ’ link with the meeting of the EC bookseller associations has drawn a great deal of attention , leading we hope to the largest ever London get-together of European booksellers .
27 The drawing suggests how a great deal of attention has been paid to one area but other areas have been ignored .
28 Lisa did vaguely remember , now that Kerry mentioned it , but she 'd been so absorbed in what she was doing at the time that she had n't really paid a great deal of attention .
29 This is not a description that applies to WordStar alone — most of the Windows based word processors aspire to this kind of characterization , but WordStar as a company has paid a great deal of attention to the graphics side of the equation , and this includes fiddling with text to get the most impact from it .
30 After considerable deliberations , a great deal of attention , many discussions with the various parties concerned — no doubt the kind of conference which the hon. Member for Kingston upon Hull , West ( Mr. Randall ) so naively believes will produce a solution — the committee came forward with the only viable solution , total deregulation of Sunday trading .
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