Example sentences of "[adj] measure of control over " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the house of Foix-Béarn emerged as the neighbouring territorial power with the greatest measure of control over Bigorre and the important Pyrenean passes which lay within its boundaries .
2 The state was forced to assume some measure of control over distribution of food and levels of profits , and thus intervene in the market .
3 A court must be able to exercise some measure of control over the cases which are brought before it , to prevent injustice to either party and to ensure that the various issues can be fully and effectively dealt with .
4 Other authors give a micro perspective , from the community level ; Hester van der Walt and Janet Pelly give examples of efforts to allow given populations some measure of control over local health services .
5 Many writers in this issue and many community health workers in general would readily admit the importance of the political setting of health care and the importance of the political will of states to encourage/allow their citizens some measure of control over their health , another constant factor in this question of control .
6 Fourth , the holder of a floating charge will have some measure of control over the company even without taking any steps to enforce it .
7 She wanted to have some measure of control over her own productivity — which she could exercise by walking more quickly or slowly .
8 Thus we require participatory democracy to give the individual a real measure of control over the life and structure of his/her environment .
9 Even when industries were not state owned there were various other instruments by which government actually exercised a large measure of control over the private sector .
10 Their agreement was the first based on profit-sharing as well as retention of copyright , which gave him a large measure of control over publication and future working of the copyrights .
11 It is therefore clear that as a result of the statutory machinery an individual can have a substantial measure of control over his own working life compulsorily delegated to an agent , a trade union , which he has not selected and may even have his own contract of service varied without his consent .
12 They feared that to alienate the Grand Prince , who had a wide measure of control over appointments to the hierarchy , would leave them vulnerable to the intellectual vigour of the ‘ heresy ’ .
13 Among positive rights , we should include the rights : to have all one 's experience and knowledge assessed in the admissions process ; to determine the subjects studied ; to have a legitimate measure of control over the pace and the methods of study ; to be able to follow a particular academic interest , or develop a point of view of one 's own ; to be examined in ways which do justice to the student 's achievements ; and to be credited with those parts of a course which have been passed successfully ( should the student wish or need to move to another institution , or to take a break in the programme of study ) .
14 For the French king , the opportunity of exercising a greater measure of control over Brittany , with its maritime outlets , was not to be missed .
15 Its directors had to sustain wars in Asia , try to devise means of governing newly conquered Indian provinces , and cope with the demands of the national government and of Parliament for an ever greater measure of control over the Company .
16 Given a willingness on the part of the academic community , all the student freedoms I have cited — from the right of applicants to have their experiential learning taken into account in the admissions process , through allowing students a significant measure of control over their curriculum , to submitting to an assessment regime which is explicitly designed to allow students to do justice to the higher-order abilities they have acquired — could be assured to students .
17 It will ’ devolve budgets to units , giving them a significant measure of control over their own finances .
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