Example sentences of "[adj] times the rate [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Overall , the annual sales of the top performers grew at 4.5 times the rate of the underperformers ; their returns on those sales were 2.5 times higher .
2 2 times the rate of inflation is difficult to swallow .
3 The unemployment rates among married heads of household moving from the owner-occupied to the local authority sector is about six times the rate of those moving in the opposite direction ( Murphy and Sullivan , 1986 ) .
4 Mr Akers said the industry would keep expanding at two to three times the rate of world economic growth and that IBM would participate fully .
5 In the past year , prices have risen by three times the rate of inflation , says National Utility Services , which advises industry on costs .
6 For example , VCR products are growing at three times the rate of other audiovisual products ( Ohmae 1985 ) .
7 Can the right hon. Gentleman explain why the Department of Transport , whose budget has increased three times the rate of that of the Scottish Office , can find £1.5 billion for additional railway improvements in the south of England , but can not find £80 million to electrify the Edinburgh-Aberdeen railway line ?
8 ‘ In the year to October 1991 the average price of a pint of beer went up by about 13pc , more than three times the rate of inflation .
9 The latest big rises to leading businessmen a 17.6pc rise for British Gas chairman Robert Evans and an 11.3pc rise for ICI boss Sir Denys Henderson are four and three times the rate of inflation respectively .
10 Over the next few years we are projecting very high rates of growth , not less than double and up to three times the rate of inflation .
11 But , in one case , we found an increase in premiums of a staggering 78pc — that 's 55 times the rate of inflation . ’
12 This amounted to some 100 suicides per 100,000 Greenlanders , or nearly 17 times the rate in 1960 .
13 Interestingly , this is about ten times the rate of eruption of lava recorded over historic time .
14 The outermost skin layer of the bottlenose dolphin is replaced every 2 hours , which is nine times the rate of human skin renewal .
15 With longer hours at work and less investment in safety devices , the frequency of industrial injuries in small firms is twelve times the rate in large firms .
16 The number of therapists who belong to professional bodies in the UK is increasing by 12 per cent per year , which is more than five times the rate of increase of medical doctors .
17 Mining and quarrying are still the most dangerous industries to work in , and in 1985 mining deaths and major industries were over five times the rate for other industries , including construction .
18 At this age , heavy smokers have 10 to 15 times the rate of fatal heart attacks of nonsmokers .
19 The crime rate in Liverpool/ Bootle in 1921 and 1931 was several times the rate in Manchester/ Salford , for example , but the massive increases in that area between 1938 and 1971 put it above the Liverpool area by 1971 .
20 While other ventures such as property lending faltered , American consumers piled up credit-card debt and tolerated interest rates three to four times the rate of inflation .
21 Compaq Computer Corp took the lead in the European portable personal computer market in the first quarter of 1993 according to Dataquest figures which give Compaq 22% by value and 17.5% by volume , and the manufacturer says that shipments in the period were up 89% on the first quarter of 1992 , growing four times the rate of the market , which expanded 21% — and those figures reveal the reason that Dell Computer Corp has stumbled badly in laptops and notebooks : buyers are going for the higher cost 80486-based machines that abound in Compaq 's line , while Dell 's product emphasises low-price 80386SX-based machines .
22 The rises are between three and four times the rate of inflation .
23 We 're dismayed that Network Southeast is seeking to put up season ticket fares by up to four times the rate of inflation on some lines .
24 It was also four times the rate in Denmark , which itself has one of the highest levels of suicide in the world , 27 per 100,000 .
25 It is clear that Jupiter radiates energy to space at a rate somewhere between 1½ and times the rate at which it absorbs energy from the Sun .
26 When polluted rain was substituted by clean rain , the ‘ bleeding ’ of sulphate from the soil reduced 50 per cent but after 36 months it still continued at up to seven times the rate of input .
27 Before , the main component of idle production time was idle labour ; today , given that machine down time costs seven times the rate of employing someone , the knowledge to maintain and repair machines becomes the most important skill .
28 How can the Minister or the companies justify increases of five to seven times the rate of inflation ?
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