Example sentences of "[verb] been subject to the " in BNC.

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1 Once re-investigation becomes routine , the fact that a case has been referred for re-investigation should attract no more concern than the fact that a medical diagnosis has been subjected to the test of a second opinion .
2 A special problem may arise if at the time the decision is made the patient has been subjected to the influence of some third party .
3 It is me , after all , who has been subjected to the direct marketing of my very soul .
4 And was it any wonder she 'd fled , if she 'd been subjected to the same bullying and threats by an earlier generation of de Rocheforts ?
5 It also implies that the over-ridden rocks may not have been subjected to the excessive burial or the degree of disturbance once assumed .
6 As it was , they will have been subjected to the comments , whispers and taunts of other children in school .
7 Since it would have been unlikely that many property offenders would have been able to pay the fines that he advocated , they would mostly have been subjected to the forced labour that he proposed as the alternative .
8 Of course , it is more complex than that because allowance has to be made for convergent evolution , which is the acquisition of common characteristics by virtue of having been subjected to the same selection pressures , rather than because of sharing a common ancestor .
9 How many smokers who were hooked when 12 , 13 , or 14 , in their formative years , are grateful for having been subjected to the wiles of the tobacco and advertising industries ?
10 At most , the prosecution witness is obliged to testify that there was a person present or in the vicinity who was likely to have been subjected to the sensations described .
11 They had checked similar seats that had been subjected to the rough and tumble of Metropolitan Police life , and ones that had supported over 70,000 miles , and they were all right as rain .
12 These components were , therefore , far more representative of the structure of G-BEBP than two brand new units would have been ; indeed the period in which they had been subjected to the stresses and strains of flight was remarkably similar to that of the accident aircraft .
13 He spoke the truth but not until it had been subjected to the most stringent test — himself !
14 The damage to the alliance was eventually repaired , but it had been subjected to the most serious strain of the post-war period .
15 The skin , he noted , was still tinged golden — that faint tone which signified to those in the know that he had been subjected to the bi-annual treatment of Longivex , the Imperial longevity drug which , because of the rarity of the poppy from which it was produced , was restricted to the élite , the favoured few such as the royal family , the privileged , the very rich — and he frowned as he wondered how long it would be before the absence of the drug showed in his physique and appearance .
16 Contrary to what Tony Lumpkin believes , speaking for all those who have been subjected to the drudgery of learning it in school , grammar is not a constraining imposition but a liberating force : it frees us from a dependency on context and the limitations of a purely lexical categorization of reality .
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