Example sentences of "[verb] been [adv] excluded from " in BNC.

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1 It should be noted at this point that all broadcasting in the colonial territories was initiated and administered by the colonial governments : the private entrepreneur has been virtually excluded from broadcasting on the African continent .
2 Behind this lay the complaint that the judiciary had been effectively excluded from policy-making .
3 He seized the post of Vizier ( Prime Minister ) and within weeks Muhammed Shah 's ineffectual successor had been effectively excluded from all decisions ; he remained a figurehead , left to console himself with drink , opium and his harem .
4 But this protection would not be available to theatre , cinema and broadcasting , since all had been specifically excluded from the provisions of the Act .
5 Finally , the sixth Pacific segment contains those countries that , until lately , have been utterly excluded from consideration — those of South America .
6 Women , it has been suggested , have been historically excluded from the making of knowledge , in particular science , and this is related ( not necessarily causally ) to women 's powerlessness .
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