Example sentences of "[verb] yet to [be] fully " in BNC.

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1 Contrary to Dr Francis Fukuyama 's analysis , published in The Independent on September 20 and 21 , ideological conflict is not the sole motor of history , and even if it were , this rich seam of dispute has yet to be fully exhausted .
2 The extraordinary episode of Bryan Robson and his quick-healing fracture has yet to be fully explained .
3 None the less the general point which underlies Marx 's concept of production for use , as opposed to production for exchange , seems , in spite of the objections just considered , a fundamental advance which has yet to be fully appreciated .
4 An ‘ Inner Windsurfing ’ approach has yet to be fully developed , but we can benefit by using some of the ideas and assumptions .
5 This has yet to be fully explored but one publication at least gives useful guidance in this .
6 But the machine 's enormous potential has yet to be fully exploited
7 Retirement has been central to all of these , although the complexity of its impact has yet to be fully explored .
8 The phone company reckons that while this evolution of integrated management is seen as a critical need for users , it has yet to be fully addressed by network service providers .
9 The phone company reckons that while this evolution of integrated management is seen as a critical need for users , it has yet to be fully addressed by network service providers .
10 The taxonomic significance of this noded shape has yet to be fully investigated .
11 A further aspect of the new system , which has yet to be fully exploited by centres , is that the Higher National Units which make up the new courses can be taken individually by candidates , rather than in complete courses .
12 The potential role of young women in this process has yet to be fully explored .
13 Proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunohistochemical technique although a promising method of assessing cell proliferation has yet to be fully standardised .
14 In spite of the wide range of supporting evidence for the existence of plate tectonics the question of what causes plates to move has yet to be fully resolved .
15 The importance of thermal expansion , the third mechanism of salt weathering , has yet to be fully evaluated .
16 The loss of defensive co-ordinator Dave Wannstedet , to become the new head coach at Chicago has yet to be fully assessed but it was his planning that neutralised the Bills ' threat .
17 Secondly , the unknown effects of passive smoking on the non-smoking population has yet to be fully realised .
18 This last aspect has yet to be fully developed but training agencies have been short-listed for courses scheduled for later this year .
19 These other features of the model have yet to be fully developed and experimental evidence that might allow us to evaluate them is sparse .
20 The main application is for the disinfection of process water but economic and performance advantages over chlorine have yet to be fully demonstrated .
21 The effects have yet to be fully assessed , but there is some concern that , as bus companies are no longer allowed to engage in cross-subsidisation ( ie direct profits from profitable routes towards subsidising unprofitable ones ) , unprofitable routes and evening and weekend services may be forced to close .
22 Whilst the Conservative government was delighted to have sold back to the private sector one of its most difficult privatisation candidates , the impact of recent changes in the car industry have yet to be fully assessed .
23 In particular the opportunity to provide students with the humane education of literary study and the scientific education of linguistics is a unique combination whose advantages have yet to be fully recognised .
24 While this is no longer true today , her grammatical analysis of metaphor is highly original , and its implications have yet to be fully recognized .
25 There have been striking changes in biological productivity at higher trophic levels in the North Pacific , the mechanisms for which have yet to be fully explained .
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