Example sentences of "[verb] in the far corner " in BNC.

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1 Rustling in the far corner .
2 Only then did I notice , lying in the far corner , two sets of packed saddle bags full of clothes and small caskets of personal jewellery .
3 A theatrical poster , protected by glass , was displayed in the far corner of the room .
4 After I had finished , a Phantom arose in the far corner of the room and proposed a vote of thanks ; and thereafter a Voice somewhere pronounced the benediction .
5 Straining his eyes , he could just make out the two boxes which were stacked in the far corner of the room and a picture frame which was propped up against them .
6 She slumped in the far corner of the white Corniche and watched her mother nervously hugging the steering wheel and peering at the road ahead .
7 They went beneath the simple chancel screen , across the sanctuary into a small lady chapel which lay in the far corner of the church .
8 She was just about to turn away from the window when she thought she saw something suddenly move in the far corner of the walled garden .
9 It was still only eight thirty and , apart from themselves and a man and woman sitting in the far corner , the bar was empty .
10 Wang Sau-leyan was sitting in the far corner of the room , turning the gift the Ping Tiao had given him in his hands , studying it .
11 He was standing in the far corner , talking to some men , and she was able to view him unobserved for a few moments .
12 As the doors swung outwards a cloud of black , evil-smelling smoke gushed out and Benny could see a fire raging in the far corner .
13 Among the pine supports in the far corner stood Fielding Goodney , looking ridiculously suave and decisive and somehow air-conditioned — in his jeans and fresh white shirt , in his suit of youth , and his money colour .
14 Winnie sat in the far corner of the pub ; a twilighted place and the sawdust thick for the feel of sand .
15 Lucas had been relieved of belt , tie , shoelaces , and everything in his pockets , and now he sat in the far corner on the mattress with his knees drawn up and his arms clasped around them , as if to present the smallest possible outer surface to the world .
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