Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] finish [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Thus it did not finish until two o'clock in the morning …
2 WARS in the Middle East do not finish after six days any more .
3 It did n't finish till five to twelve did it last Sunday ?
4 His Mum did n't finish till half-five .
5 It was a terrible job , standing there for eight and a half hours — because you did n't finish after eight hours .
6 We had every other Sunday off , you see , but otherwise we worked and did n't get any extra for it but of course the girls like myself well erm we could n't lift these huge urns of tea so they had two men keep them on , you see , and er , and we were er perhaps I know one day we did n't finish until five o'clock in the morning
7 If you did n't finish until ten minutes before , there was no way you could change and have a bath .
8 This is the fifth home visit , and on-call duty does n't finish for eight more hours .
9 All fairs run from 10am to 4pm , except West Midlands , Friday 6 November , which does n't finish until eight .
10 The meeting does n't finish until seven , so I sha n't be back for supper ’ , then he would have avoided a painful homecoming and an upset spouse .
11 Erm until Gillian because she , she does n't finish till five when she 's doing the manager 's shift .
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