Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] be tempt [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , you may have to work at floor level , but please do not be tempted to give massage on a bed .
2 Do not be tempted to use a hair drier , for instance , as this will simply blow dust onto the board and also create unevenness in the lacquer .
3 Do not be tempted to use the small charge that is already in the battery , as this will run down in seconds .
4 Do not be tempted to dismiss such corporate homilies as boardroom hokum .
5 Do not be tempted to take a flat that is too high off the ground and requires the use of a lift .
6 Remember that puppies tire much more quickly than older dogs , so do not be tempted to overdo training in these early stages , since this will just be counter-productive .
7 Do not be tempted to overfeed the fish on the last day before leaving !
8 Do not be tempted to go to extremes .
9 If you find that you are making no gains in size whatsoever , do not be tempted to do more exercises or repetitions because this could lead to overtraining .
10 Do not be tempted to borrow from friends or neighbours , no matter how desperate you are .
11 Do not be tempted to record every syllable .
12 Do not be tempted to make too large a frame from cardboard , unless it is very thick indeed .
13 Do not be tempted to tell him that adults are allowed to swear but children are not .
14 Mix a sufficient quantity to make the effort worthwhile , but do not be tempted to mix a vast quantity each time as it will be difficult to get the mix of even consistency .
15 Do not be tempted to throw the toy too far ahead as this will be counter-productive .
16 A note of warning : do not be tempted to wash the mud off potatoes with a hose , as they will not store well in the clamp if you do .
17 Do not be tempted to start a harder routine at the beginning as this will almost certainly detract from the potential gains .
18 Do n't be tempted to put off dealing with any items because of pressure of time ; in the long run of the whole transaction you will save time , and possible error too , by preparing all the documents at once , whilst the matter is fresh in your mind .
19 Take cash and valuables with you at all times ; never leave your motorhome unlocked ; stick to main roads , and do n't be tempted to go exploring down minor ones .
20 Concentrate — do n't be tempted to do two things at once .
21 If there is one day in the week on which you visit your mother-in-law and work an evening shift , do n't be tempted to do the week 's shopping in a crowded supermarket en route .
22 Do n't be tempted to lie in and snooze if you 've had a bad night .
23 Do n't be tempted to describe it as ‘ reminiscent ’ or ‘ reassuring ’ .
24 Do n't be tempted to push the stick forward when inverted , as this will kill speed very rapidly .
25 If you are , I hope you 'll do as I did and be careful with yourself and do n't be tempted to take risks .
26 Another warning — do n't be tempted to blow all your redundancy money .
27 But do n't be tempted to force the foreskin back in an effort to stretch it — you might find that the tight band gets caught behind the head of the penis , impeding the blood flow and making the head of the penis swell alarmingly ( paraphimosis ) .
28 Do n't be tempted to justify these requests or to give reasons for them .
29 Do n't be tempted to use up the remains of a summer lawn fertiliser , which will contain too much nitrogen .
30 ( Note : do n't be tempted to use filter floss as a gravel tidy substitute as it will become fully clogged and impenetrable to water in a very few months . )
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