Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [vb mod] kill [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Are you suggesting I should kill him ? ’
2 And I say to your father , I say you will kill 'er !
3 ‘ Your friend would know they 'd kill him .
4 ‘ If Mum finds out I 've been smoking she 'll kill me .
5 Was n't he the man who had said he would kill her now ?
6 Watch , when you drop it and you smash them , watch they 'll kill you .
7 Mrs MacIllarry said she 'd been told by her mother that Jobson had once phoned saying he would kill her and then himself .
8 I thought I must kill it immediately — but how ?
9 Ben , if she 's gone it 'll kill him .
10 I knew it would kill me , but in the end I did n't want to die .
11 Arabel was once quoted as being terrified by a performance of Tchaikovsky 's Pathétique Symphony in Berlin so intense that she thought it would kill you .
12 I do n't think it 'll kill you do you , to eat that ?
13 I think I 'll kill him myself . ’
14 ‘ If I ever thought you were mixed up in anything bad , Steve , ’ she said , ‘ I think I 'd kill you . ’
15 ‘ I have such confidence in Edgar 's love that I think I could kill him , and he would n't blame me for it .
16 If you lay a finger on me , you little squirt , you 'll crease it , and if you do I 'll kill you . ’
17 But you think it 'll kill him from one o'clock in the night till seven o'clock the next morning , it 's , it 's ridiculous and financially were no different because you 've got to pay for digs you 've got to pay for the petrol
18 ‘ I said I would kill you if you did not tell me , ’ Jotan said coolly .
19 But , if you ever cause any more trouble , in any way to my family , or if I ever see you near our house , then I swear I 'll kill you both .
20 By now I must be five years clear of her , and she said she 'd kill me if I ever told anyone her age .
21 Anthony Bowen , 21 , was bound and gagged after the raiders said they would kill him after they could n't find any money .
22 ‘ They said they 'd kill me , ’ she whispered .
23 ‘ My daughter 's dog an Alsatian called Prince went over to the men but we called it back when they said they 'd kill it .
24 She probably did tell him to go away and stop following her around , but that would n't be a reason for him screaming he 'd kill her . ’
25 He said he would kill them . ’
26 Cook told her if she did not do what he said he would kill her .
27 ‘ He said he would kill her if I did n't hand over the money and I believed him .
28 ‘ Is that why Nolan said he would kill you ?
29 But you must n't let on you know — he said he 'd kill me .
30 All readers probably assimilate Gollum early on to the now-familiar image of a ‘ drug-addict ’ , craving desperately for a ‘ fix ’ even though he knows it will kill him .
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