Example sentences of "[adj] hour since he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Thirty-six hours since he had been roused .
2 It was less than seventy-two hours since he had heard of the finding of Riddle 's clothes , but it seemed much longer .
3 That morning Wycliffe had heard of the Glynn family for the first time and in the few hours since he had learned something about them ; about Gerald , Gina and Barry , about Christine and Aunt Sara , and about the uncles , Alfred and Maurice .
4 It had been five hours since he 'd got home , and he had n't slept in that time .
5 It was 28 hours since he had driven the clapped-out Ford Capri into the street , and counted himself lucky to find a space to park that was pretty near opposite the front door from which the man had emerged with his two small girls .
6 They trembled not from fear , but from anger and resentment which had built up rapidly in the 24 hours since he had heard the ridiculous order from Washington .
7 Glancing at his watch , Donaldson saw that it was after five ; seven hours since he 'd been picked up at the courtroom , during which time he 'd skipped lunch and spent his afternoon handing tidbits to a bright primate .
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