Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] to go before it " in BNC.

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1 But although the students ' efforts compared well with other universities and schools , the Bristol team has some distance to go before it can match the efforts of the Japanese motor industry entry which achieved 6,142 miles to the gallon .
2 BT believes it still has some way to go before it can match the performance of American telecommunications companies and is also anxious to stay ahead of European public sector rivals .
3 Although our productivity compares well with coal industries in Europe , it has some way to go before it is at the level of some of the coal industries outside Europe .
4 Sydney had some way to go before it was released from the burden of compulsive immigration , and before it could present to the world a face that was uniquely its own .
5 ‘ Rock ’ climbing has already overtaken shopping as the number one leisure pursuit in most parts of the developed world — and still has a good way to go before it peaks .
6 The Oxenhope Straw Race has a long way to go before it reaches its centenary , but the aims of the people who organise it and take part are the same as those who in the nineteenth century began the hospital sings at Holmfirth and Mapplewell .
7 The DTI still has a long way to go before it can seriously contest the Treasury 's hegemony over matters economic .
8 However , the volume of research varies considerably from one polytechnic to another and , in general , it has a very long way to go before it begins to approach that generated within universities .
9 There 's a long way to go before it sounds natural . ’
10 A great deal of the plant is now under computerised control although there is still a long way to go before it is as automated as other maltings in the group .
11 Romania has a long way to go before it can even begin to climb out of its paralysis .
12 Such difficult transition demands time and balance and Romania has a long way to go before it is comfortable with its new identity .
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