Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the human eye " in BNC.

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1 And somewhere tucked away at the back of one 's mind was the knowledge that every crystal in the vast whiteness , though too small for the human eye to see , was fashioned like a flower or a star .
2 In extreme cases the search for order among the chaos can become too difficult for the human eye alone .
3 Malebranche had argued , moreover , that the argument from the relativity of perception was just as applicable to primary qualities such as extension and motion : what looks small to me will seem large to a mite ; some movements may be too slow for the human eye to detect .
4 Although infra-red light is invisible to the human eye , it can be detected by special photographic film ; in general , the amount of infra-red light reflected from a plant depends on its ripeness , so that infra-red photographs can produce good-contrast images of crop marks that may be hardly visible on ordinary photographic film or to the eye .
5 Sniperscopes rely on infra-red radiation , invisible to the human eye , to detect the enemy .
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