Example sentences of "[noun] depend upon a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Allan observes that friendship depends upon a degree of equality between the participants , and that a one-sided caring relationship denies the essential element of reciprocity .
2 The choice of stock revision subjects depends upon a number of factors , foremost among these being the importance of the different subjects to the library 's objectives .
3 Both the tempo and the degree of success of man 's striving for freedom depend upon a host of political , cultural and moral as well as economic factors .
4 Unlike civil servants , who win their jobs by competitive examination , judges depend upon a process of consultation and soundings which reproduces the judiciary in its own image .
5 Since no empirical data is presented , the validity of the TROG depends upon an analysis of the test items and the elicitation strategies employed .
6 In studying his continuous transformation groups ( groups whose elements depend upon a system of continuously varying parameters satisfying certain differentiability conditions ) Lie was led naturally to study some non-commutative , non-associative algebras subsequently named after him : Lie Algebras .
7 Conflict is a dynamic process ; and its destructive and long-term effects depend upon a number of factors , not least of which is the inner you , the real person beneath the surface .
8 The form which is taken by international assistance in the service of process depends upon a number of , necessarily interrelated , factors .
9 The speaker 's seif-image ( or rather , self-justification ) of reasonableness depends upon a contrast with what is unreasonable .
10 The issue of delay depends upon a comparison of like with like .
11 you understand that the honourable gentleman wants to establish that the government has been extraordinarily dilatory , that er there is a massive delay , there is problem for electoral registration officers because that the regulations , the regulations depend upon a directive .
12 He said that in the business of insurance and insurance broking , a successful enterprise depends upon a number of factors which vary according to the nature of the customer , or client , with whom business is done .
13 Consequently , valid comparisons of the rate of known opioid use in Wirral with the rates in other areas of the UK depend upon an assessment of the findings of the handful of local surveys of known drug users in the 1980s .
14 Thus , a successful plug-compatible strategy depends upon a parity of technology with IBM .
15 Control is obtained by allocating ownership of space depending upon a person 's position in the organizational structure , allowing that person to change details only in his own space .
16 Successful communication depends upon a recognition and accurate use of the rules and conventions .
17 Engineering innovation , creative design , technology transfer , technician support — all these in turn depend upon an education and training effort recognising economic urgency .
18 The opposition had wanted HAT takeovers to depend upon a majority of those eligible to vote , but the government insisted upon only a simple majority of those voting .
19 Such an interpretation now appears at best inadequate , not only because monopoly capitalism ( that is , capitalism in which large corporations dominate the economy ) , so far as it escapes regulation by the interventionist state , seems quite compatible with a liberal democratic regime ; but also because the rise of fascism depended upon a number of other factors .
20 The success of the police depends upon a sound relationship with the public and the new code is a sensible recognition of that .
21 But this merely confirms yet again that the idea of numerical diversity of ontological existents is inseparable from the idea of an objective order , and consequently that a clarification of the former idea depends upon a clarification of the sources and the conditions of intelligibility of such an order .
22 The phenomenon depends upon an exchange of benefits and not upon the fact that , as in Hamilton 's theory , the gene in question benefits its duplicate in another organism .
23 Skilled reading depends upon a flexibility in the application of component subskills , and so it is with all skills .
24 Those who deny their own prejudice and racism will need this image , for their protestations of rationality depend upon a contrast with irrationality .
25 She locates the origin of psychology at the historical beginnings of the novel , and using the example of the French writer , Antoine de Sale , indicates that the enactment of betrayal and loss in the early novels depends upon a fantasy of completeness .
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