Example sentences of "[noun] be based [adv] upon " in BNC.

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1 In general , postgraduate studies within the department are based solely upon research ; students may , however , if they wish , take a taught course within the Centre for Cognitive Science in their first year , before proceeding to research .
2 It is an impossibly restricted view , therefore , to imagine a universal approach to landform study being based only upon consideration of historical development … the physical and the resulting psychological , inability of geographers to handle successfully the simultaneous operation of a number of causes contributing to a given effect has been one of the greatest impediments to the advancement of their discipline .
3 Hailey 's reservations about Indirect Rule were based purely upon the practical consideration that in its dogmatic insistence on working only through the authentic traditional leadership it excluded other , possibly more effective , methods of securing the essential ‘ degree of acquiescence ’ in British rule .
4 The study is based mainly upon the records of the civil courts supplemented by such papers of corporate and administrative institutions as have survived .
5 These responses are based specifically upon native speakers ' intuitions about what constitutes a well-formed , coherent narrative .
6 Sharing accommodation with relatives on a permanent basis is not regarded as a desirable option in contemporary British culture , where the image of the normal household is based firmly upon the nuclear family : typically a married couple and their immature children , with possibly the addition of an elderly parent .
7 There is the possibility of some influence from craftsmen working to the south , around Water Newton , who specialised in the manufacture of geometric designs , but their work was based largely upon lozenge configurations and can not have been a major source of inspiration .
8 Initial selection was based solely upon Stirling 's impressions of the men at brief interviews .
9 Most contemporary studies of stratification are based either upon a Marxist or a Weberian perspective .
10 Such a line of argument is based primarily upon scripture , and does not necessarily involve a notion of there being male and female principles in the universe .
11 The standard defence of the modernist novel is based precisely upon these qualities , on its formal complexity and difficulty : the ‘ revolution of the word ’ is seen as either essential to , or more important than , any political revolution .
12 At Gloucester in July 1634 the judges ' proceedings were based partly upon the 800 presentments made at the swanimote held in the Forest of Dean in the previous month : 420 of these for unlawfully cutting and selling woods , 260 for illegal inclosures and other encroachments , 80 for taking the king 's game and 10 for unauthorized operation of ironworks .
13 It is a common fault , particularly in criminal law , to give the impression that the answer is based wholly upon common sense and a few gleanings from the Sunday newspapers .
14 In the Ogwo case , the decision is based solely upon the neighbour principle , the issue before the court being whether the injuries sustained by the plaintiff were foreseeable .
15 The claim to legitimacy of particular possession is based entirely upon the institutionalization of rights .
16 Though our modern technology and civilization is based largely upon our ability to harness the electron , conventional physics still has no real perception of what it is we have got our hands on .
17 Although Spencer worked out an elaborate scheme of social evolution , in terms of the increasing scale and complexity of societies , his political sociology was based mainly upon a fairly simple distinction between ‘ militant ’ and ‘ industrial ’ societies , the former being characterized by the predominance of activities concerned with defence and offence ( that is , warfare ) , the latter by the predominance of activities concerned with ‘ sustentation ’ ( that is , production and trade ) .
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