Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] keeping [art] eye " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the day those working the lifts and keeping an eye on skiers actually — wait for it — smiled .
2 I was whistling a medley of Ellingtonia and keeping an eye out for a transport café for breakfast and feeling fairly pleased with myself .
3 Even so , many an intrepid user carted one from pillar to post while keeping an eye out for a mains socket .
4 Mrs Oliver is walking the dog , Alfred has washed and tidied away the tea things while keeping an eye on the shop from the adjoining neat and spotlessly clean flat .
5 It is then up to me to implement it successfully by controlling my behaviour whilst keeping an eye on progress towards the indicators of success .
6 Although a library committee of some sort existed before the project invitation , the head reports that : It was no more than three of four people who were simply monitoring the use of the library and keeping an eye on the books that we needed and the way children used the library .
7 Otherwise the men had passed the time reading and keeping an eye out for aircraft .
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