Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] you reach the " in BNC.

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1 Walk north-west to reach the B4418 and take the path going south-west until you reach the rock painted with white arrows .
2 You also have a distinct end to the practice when you reach the point from which you set out .
3 The road that has been made to carry visitors up to it is wide and smooth , the valley of the Arette that you start by following is beautiful , and the scene once you reach the top is by turns surprising , interesting and panoramic .
4 So always start with the minimum amount and gradually build up the tones until you reach the strength that emphasises , rather than overpowers .
5 The ascent on to the ridge evolves in easy stages , taking you up over a number of small , craggy knolls until you reach the commodious upper slopes of the Munro .
6 Repeat this at intervals until you reach the outer comers of the eyes ( see Fig. 13 ) .
7 Follow the path as in the main route between Red Bank and Dow Bank and continue over the ridge until you reach the road leading to Grasmere ( 2 miles ) .
8 So you are forced to swing east again and stumble down through a dense birch forest until you reach the wire bridge , and retrace your steps back along the tourist path .
9 Cross the stream until you reach the path you used at the start and retrace your steps to the car park .
10 The beauty of walking is that no matter where you start , you can gradually build up the duration and intensity of your routine until you reach the fitness level that you require .
11 Starting at the base of the spine , make small circular movements into the muscles either side of the spine with your thumbs until you reach the neck .
12 In the first year , £3,000 can be invested and up to £1,800 in the following years until you reach the maximum .
13 ( 4 ) Keep pulling with your left hand and resisting with your right until you reach the parallel position as shown .
14 Go left along the road for 260 yds until you reach the footpath sign .
15 Similarly , if you want to change the diet from juicy brown canned food to into a dry complete diet , start by mixing just a couple of pieces of dried food in with the juicy stuff , gradually increasing the proportion each day until you reach the desired menu .
16 Work upwards in 2m lengths , fitting a pipe connector between lengths ( not necessary with all systems ) and a supporting bracket for each pipe connector until you reach the outlet .
17 Repeat Step 6 and continue , a strip at a time , all the way up the forehead until you reach the hairline ( see Fig. 13 ) .
18 But do n't get so tiddly that you keep hiccoughing , or giggle all the way through , especially at your own jokes before you reach the punchline .
19 For me it is still a long haul towards fluency ( and the closer you get , the more tempting just to stop with what you have ) but that sense of a door opening when you reach the conversational level makes the effort of getting another language worthwhile .
20 In this case , you have to go through the full manual routine as outlined above , stopping on play-pause and switching back to record-pause when you reach the desired edit-out point on the previous recording .
21 ( You 're an Acorn until you reach the age of thirty-five , when , in Trust speak , you have reached the age of maturity and are eligible for an Oak Camp .
22 If you can not find a language helper who only wants to work for one hour a day , try hiring someone to do gardening or housework for you on a more fulltime basis and then use that person also as a language helper until you reach the stage where you can cope with a fulltime language helper .
23 Now slide your hands up the back ; move your body from the centre until you reach the neck .
24 Pass a small shed on your left and go through a gate until you reach the Larriston Burn .
25 ‘ You have to go through your egocentricities , you have to become so absorbed by the whole thing until you reach the point where you say , ‘ No , get those sequins away from me !
26 You must not look for the book until you reach the shelf carrying its class number .
27 There is no path until you reach the River Liza but the ground is easy to descend .
28 Pressing the ESCAPE key at any other time will lead you quickly back through the menu system until you reach the main menu again .
29 This way , you will begin the pan smoothly and avoid running out of body-swing before you reach the end .
30 Yeah , if you think you might come to the end of a conversation before you reach the end of the tape , they 've rather you put a new tape in .
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