Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb mod] assume the " in BNC.

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1 In a particularly perverse mood it may assume the shape of a naked man flapping a white sheet , or a chanting girl , or a giant , singing white cat .
2 These were said to haunt families when a death in the family was imminent , such as the Green Lady of Caerphilly who would assume the shape of a bunch of trailing ivy , and wander thus through ruined castles and graveyards .
3 When the police eventually found the abandoned truck they 'd assume the driver who 'd stolen it had been drunk .
4 The Congress of People 's Deputies , from which the standing parliament — the Supreme Soviet — was elected , would be replaced by a new bicameral Supreme Soviet which would assume the Congress 's right to alter the constitution .
5 I asked if you were sleeping with him , and since you have done everything to evade a straight answer I must assume the worst or the best , depending whose side you are one . ’
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