Example sentences of "[noun] [be] round the corner " in BNC.

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1 Month after month , as the British economy has languished in a deep and damaging recession , the only reaction from a puzzled and beleaguered Government is the claim that it is not as bad as it seems and that good times are round the corner .
2 I used to do all sorts of other jobs to keep going — I used to be so confident that work was round the corner that when I became a cellarman in a wine shop , I said to my family , ‘ Of course , I 'll only be here for a week or two , you know , ’ and a year later I was still there .
3 The warren is round the corner of the wood opposite . "
4 ‘ This damning report blows away the the last remaining pretence that recovery is round the corner , ’ Labour industry spokesman Robin Cook said last night .
5 He said he 'd met Oliver in the florist 's round the corner on his way to the station .
6 ‘ There 's a chemist 's round the corner . ’
7 The behind-the scenes image created is of Hislop swapping Fergie news in the Groucho Club , while Merton is round the corner in The Three Ferrets reflecting bluntly on the real tit-bits .
8 The shop was round the corner in Back Lane .
9 ‘ We talked ourselves into believing that those gaunt , tight-lipped men in caps and mufflers were round the corner and tailored our policy to match these imaginary conditions . ’
10 ‘ Perhaps the cathedral is round the corner and that is the Taj Mahal . ’
11 You know a miracle will not happen but you find yourself behaving as if it might : we canvassed , those weeks before the election , with a heady feeling that success was round the corner .
12 The cinema was round the corner and
13 Texaco is round the corner .
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