Example sentences of "realize that " in BNC.

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1 It was this , I am thinking , that made Miss Jonathan realize that if the marriage she was about to enter into with a man much different from herself , and older also , would not go well , she would never from a Catholic be obtaining a divorce .
2 In the Smolensk area as elsewhere , they linked up with agricultural advisers in the effort to make the peasants realize that subsistence farming was a form of self-exploitation , since their energies were dissipated in a multitude of tiring undertakings .
3 But they made him realize that he was getting across what he wanted to get across , and not a holy-sounding fog of words .
4 However , if the deal were , for instance , a 90 : 10 split and not a gross deal , the promoter would realize that for every pound he or she spends on costs , 90 pence of that pound belongs to the artist .
5 Often musicians do n't realize that a record can be played more on Radio 1 when it is off the playlist altogether .
6 This is usually recoupable , so the band should realize that they are spending their own money on tour , and not the record company 's .
7 I say no , and hope that he does n't realize that I really have no idea .
8 We must realize that time is running out faster than we think . ’
9 Not that you would realize that when you hear The Men Who Know .
10 The question is : granted that D's purpose was to frighten , did he nonetheless realize that it was practically certain that his act would cause death or grievous bodily harm to someone ?
11 Most people do not realize that Jews can pray together without a rabbi , and that the rabbi 's job is often to clarify a point of law or resolve a dispute , rather than to lead a congregation in prayer .
12 As you approach your goal weight you may realize that your original aims were slightly unrealistic .
13 People would realize that he was writing about himself , that he had been in that room .
14 It was a Nonconformist shipowner , Sir Christopher Furness , who warned that England must realize that ‘ we are neither omnipotent nor omniscient , that as our fathers have struggled to obtain supremacy , so we their sons must struggle to maintain it ’ .
15 To read at sight whatever is submitted to him is child 's play … he makes me realize that it is difficult to guard against madness on seeing prodigies .
16 Anyone with a passing knowledge of astrological influences will realize that he was born on the cusp , a Taurus caught in the influence of Aries , which makes him bullish and a bit of a ram .
17 If you do n't realize that soon you 're headed for disaster .
18 One theory is that you should dominate the dog who is lowest in the pecking order to make him realize that he is the lowest and to prevent problems from occurring .
19 The public , as ratepayers , should realize that not only is all compensation paid out of the land-drainage budget , but that the fees of the landowner 's agent are also financed entirely out of the public purse of the water authority or other public body carrying out the scheme .
20 We did n't even realize that they organized their labour collectively , until Panic Buying ( a great '70s pastime , Panic Buying — of salt , sugar and so on ) set in at the beginning of November .
21 At first the Egyptians did not realize that the astronomical year does not consist of exactly 365 days but contains an extra fraction ( about one-quarter ) of a day .
22 It means , by contrast , that when we talk of the technological imperative and resource allocation , we must realize that we are talking about the political process , and understand what this involves .
23 If you reflect for a moment on which areas are likely to have rocks under tension , and where cracking and dyke intrusion are likely , you will realize that the mid-ocean ridges are hot favourites for this kind of activity .
24 And she had asked him what would have happened to her if she had not had these good friends who had come to her aid and given her shelter , and when , in the form of an excuse , his answer had been , did n't she realize that he was distracted ? she had come back with , did n't he realize he had almost killed a man , that he was lucky he was n't in gaol now answering a charge of murder ?
25 Do n't you realize that neither you nor me have really had any consideration from your father in years .
26 Let the latter realize that virtually nothing is going to deflect you from reaching your agreed objectives .
27 I knew that he had been barracked at times , but I did not realize that he was so sensitive …
28 They do n't realize that you need to use finesse when dealing with the goons . ’
29 There is no distinction between ‘ me ’ and ‘ other people ’ so she does not realize that the world outside is separate from her .
30 ‘ When did you first realize that Herr Hamnett had , as it were , vanished from the face of the earth ? ’
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