Example sentences of "introduce [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You can introduce me as your bodyguard … ’
2 In August , an acquaintance gave him the address of a London representative ‘ who will apparently introduce me to Noël and Oliver and Bobby ! ’
3 You will introduce me ?
4 ‘ Why did you introduce me to him , Madame ? ’
5 You could introduce me maybe .
6 You must introduce me .
7 Why did n't you introduce me . ’
8 ‘ You did n't introduce me to anyone else either .
9 ‘ All right , why did n't you introduce me ? ’
10 Yeah that 's , that 's okay it 's just er I mean I would like to feel you would introduce me if they actually knocked on the door and came in this evening otherwise they 'd think would n't you , I mean
11 I mean for example if they walked in the room right now I 'm sure you 'd introduce me so I 'm really saying is look can you give me a telephone number , I 'll give them a chat and in fact , by the way , if you do see him within the next couple of days or so please give him a shout , let me know that you 've been quite excited about some of the ideas that I 've shown you this evening , I wan na do the same thing for him , you know , nothing gained nothing ventured nothing lost .
12 I mean if he called round here now you 'd introduce me would n't you ?
13 ‘ Wo n't you introduce me to your friend ? ’
14 Consider the rule that , when being with one person and meeting another , one should introduce them to each other .
15 You could even introduce them to your church 's women 's guild and they would not look out of place .
16 Feeling slightly vexed I decided that all those readers too lazy to write in will be receiving personal visits , so I can introduce them to my favourite topic : ‘ Pain , and how ( and where ! ) to inflict it ’ .
17 If you decide ( as you might ) that part of the answer lies in changing the system within which the staff are working , then you should outline what changes you propose to make and how you would introduce them to staff , both present and future .
18 You can introduce them into lacy patterns too .
19 OSF will introduce them as part of its release of DME phase 2 .
20 When the agency has produced specific proposals for your campaign — or anything else you may have asked for — the account executive will normally introduce them , and may present the entire proposals personally , without calling on other members of the group to cover their specialities .
21 In what order would you introduce them ?
22 We shall just introduce them now , but try to bear them in mind as you read on .
23 He must introduce them into the plane of his own discourse , but in such a way that this plane is not destroyed .
24 Which of the dubious benefits of civilisation would you introduce them to next , I wonder ?
25 The clothes of those attending can also be referred to , especially if you can introduce them into a joke .
26 This may help you identify visual elements which are unfamiliar to your students and would therefore make it easier to decide how much emphasis you should give to them and how you might introduce them .
27 Perhaps I should introduce them to him .
28 If they work , then I can introduce them at senior level . ’
29 I think candidates who are thinking of applying for entry in nineteen eighty-five , who are now say seventeen coming on eighteen , have got three or four years ahead of them at university , which is a considerable time , and if nothing else , university will make them question themselves , what their interests are , and they 'll introduce them to new subjects , new areas of study , and it may be a mistake to embark on a vocational course , and discover halfway through that actually it 's not what you want to do .
30 Now , the reason we particularly were interested in this was that from the questionnaire we already were beginning to get back some information , and we discovered that eighty-six percent of people had seen their G P in the previous year , and maybe if we could introduce them to the age-well project at some point during that contact , we would be able to achieve something .
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