Example sentences of "efficiently [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Faults in method need to be investigated and are usually due to inadequate contact time or use of a chemical outside the temperature range in which it operates efficiently or a combination of both .
2 Such figures are of limited value in that they contain no guide as to whether the resources have been spent efficiently or effectively .
3 It recognizes that some laws are passed purely as symbolic victories which the dominant class grants to inferior interest groups , basically to keep them quiet ; once passed , they need never be efficiently or systematically enforced .
4 What they believe , what they want , what they like , what they dislike and whether they work efficiently or not are determined by the societal context as well as by the physical environment .
5 Even the freeholders in the fields — who were willing to have enclosure so that they could farm more efficiently or sell land for building — were helpless in the face of the burgesses who might have no land but who hoped to get a piece in time , or who already held these rights to graze their cattle and sheep .
6 That in spite of a vast increase of staff — and manual staff — they are still not manning the services efficiently or even satisfactorily .
7 A considerable amount of effort may have been expended on the design of such items and their components so that they perform their intended function efficiently or are visually attractive .
8 Because network installers have to satisfy certain standards of workmanship and quality , you can be confident that any work will be done efficiently and well .
9 ‘ Nevertheless , the council believes we must ensure the market structure provides the right balance of benefits and obligations for market practitioners , whilst offering investors and issuers the opportunity to do business efficiently and cost effectively . ’
10 He submitted that it was quite clear that the FPC reached a considered decision as what it found to be the proper level of use of the deputising service consistently with maintaining the doctor 's primary responsibility and as regards the need to maintain the standards of the deputising service efficiently and consistently with that obligation .
11 Reaffirming the promise to privatise the electricity industry within the life of this Parliament , John Wakeham , Secretary of State for Energy , said competition between generating companies would be a massive incentive to use fuel more efficiently and keep costs down .
12 Only 37 per cent agreed that employers handled applications efficiently and fairly against nearly 70 per cent who thought that universities and polytechnics did so .
13 In debates over the Labour party 's policy review in 1989 , Mr Kinnock countered complaints from his left wing that he was propping up capitalism with the claim that Labour 's task was to make the market work more efficiently and justly .
14 I think you could play so many tunes on it that not only would we be producing much more efficiently and economically , but people could have a better quality of life too .
15 Donors will obviously need to be sure that environmental aid is administered efficiently and spent according to agreed priorities .
16 New instruments , especially the electronic detectors that collect light so much more efficiently and less fussily than the old emulsion plates , have removed some of the art from observing .
17 ‘ The large number of non-farming visitors to the show gives an opportunity to show how research scientists are helping farmers protect the environment and avoid pollution as well as producing food as efficiently and economically as possible , ’ said WBPS spokeswoman Pat Twigg .
18 The red menace is gone and Italians must face the question of whether their country can hold together ; whether it can be governed efficiently and whether a new administration will have the courage to beat public debt , the Mafia and corruption .
19 If managerial functions are to be carried out both efficiently and effectively , then it is a prerequisite that high quality information is available to inform decision making at the various managerial levels .
20 We will propose appropriate Parliamentary reforms to ensure that the House of Commons conducts its business more efficiently and effectively , taking into account the benefits of modern technology , the increasing constituency demands upon Members of Parliament and the need to attract more women to stand for election .
21 If you remove them and replace the carbs the vehicles will run a lot more efficiently and perform better all round .
22 The broadcasters were happy with the quality of the pictures ( though not with the sound ) and with the service they had received from CCTV , and the Committee was happy that the coverage of committees had been carried out both efficiently and resourcefully , and — for the most part — with sensitivity to the needs of committees .
23 As the world population grows , our limited resources , particularly of land , will have to be used efficiently and frugally to achieve this paramount aim .
24 It is suggested that the specific objectives of any given test be clearly identified before the test is started , since only if the objectives are clearly defined can the test be carried out most efficiently and with the greatest economy of time and effort .
25 Does it operate efficiently and keep the house warm in winter ?
26 Cut down the grooming time but do it quickly , efficiently and calmly .
27 She carried out her duties efficiently and devotedly to the discomfort and irritation of her boss , the General Manager , and his colleagues .
28 We put in the wrong substances , we overload it and mistreat it and yet we still expect it to work efficiently and well , day in and day out , for the whole of our life .
29 The new sewage plant in Kiln Lane , with which residents had ‘ not been overjoyed ’ , was now working more efficiently and has been landscaped with fencing , shrubs and ivy .
30 The yoga ‘ complete breath ’ is one of the easiest ways to begin learning to use your lungs efficiently and is very helpful to those suffering from respiratory ailments such as asthma , bronchitis and so forth .
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