Example sentences of "blown in " in BNC.

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1 All the windows of the Barclays Bank were blown in .
2 The hospital was in horrible confusion : heavy partitions and ceilings had fallen on patients , beds had overturned , windows had blown in and cut people , blood was spattered on the walls and doors , instruments were everywhere , many of the patients were running about screaming , many more lay dead .
3 In Australia 's dry soils there are millions of tonnes of salt blown in from the sea over many millions of years .
4 The force of the blast was such that skylights were blown in , and boiling hot mud and ashes rained down on those below decks , killing many and scalding others .
5 J. V. One night , I was on duty at the Herculaneum Dock when the high winds were blowing in November ( half the windows in Grafton Street were blown in ) .
6 But I wanted to present an exotic image , a man of the world blown in from foreign parts to bring some much-needed glamour to Karen 's drab suburban existence .
7 I deal with direct leaf-fall , and any subsequent stray leaves blown in by winter gales , again with that square skim-net ( actually an old angler 's landing net ) .
8 ‘ Look what the wind 's blown in , Charlotte ! ’ he said .
9 House Dust Mites can be blown in through windows .
10 ‘ There was the sound of smashing glass as shop windows were blown in . ’
11 Hot air is blown in to the furnace .
12 Look look what the wind 's look look what the wind 's blown in , look what the wind 's blown in .
13 Look look what the wind 's look look what the wind 's blown in , look what the wind 's blown in .
14 It was wonderful to see how the great court filled , as though the word of her return in triumph had been blown in on the wind .
15 Mark had blown in like a fresh breeze , hinting , with wild scents , of other delightful worlds where the air was free , pure , invigorating .
16 A fire was lit at the base of a broad crag , and they sat around it whilst a Hearthware took sentry and the night was blown in around them .
17 The it comes straight from the coa from the er mines and it 's it 's sent through chutes on these merry-go-round railways that go slow and they stop over this and then it 's all pulverized with heavy steel balls into powder and coal and into the furnaces it 's just blown in .
18 I glance , speculatively , towards the window , where more bad weather has blown in from the North Sea .
19 Crown Bar , where all the stained glass windows were blown in and a ceiling collapsed .
20 The Housing Executive 's Belfast Headquarters — windows were shattered , doors blown in and shutters wrecked .
21 ‘ All the stained glass windows at the front of the bar were blown in by the blast .
22 An October mist , blown in from the Channel , hung around the rusted legs of the derelict pier .
23 Next morning a heavy mist had blown in , covering the land with a blanket of gloomy silence .
24 The latest straws in the wind have been blown in by the bank 's disposal of its merchant banking arm , Charterhouse , last week for £235 million .
25 See a certain percentage have blown in I think off the grass and if I had some sort of a
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