Example sentences of "blown away " in BNC.

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1 He was reliever to feel a slight tug as the parachute eventually opened ; it was bitter cold but fortunately he was being blown away from the capital 's fires , and after drifting for a time , hit the ground ‘ like a wet sack ’ .
2 It was , in truth , all that remained of what had been the North Pier , blown away by a great storm in the 1920s .
3 Who would have thought that the Oakland As , celebrated by Mr Will and thought to be a collection of giants , would have been blown away in the World Series by a bunch of journeymen from Cincinnati ?
4 In fact it had been blown away on a gust of wind as soon as the crate was opened in Liverpool and was never seen again .
5 Nevertheless , I would be shocked , but not altogether surprised , if one day the spirit of the times , which has so recently blown away apartheid , communism and the Berlin wall , did away with the Royal Family as well .
6 This trust can be blown away or eroded .
7 By the end of June , observers on the mainland of Sumatra reported that all the higher parts of Perboewetan had been blown away , and that a second eruption column was now rising from the centre of the island .
8 Not a vestige remained of the cone Perboewetan , and the whole of the northern part of the cone Rakata had been blown away , leaving a semi-vertical vertical cliff .
9 Frequently , too , there are major structural changes to the volcano , with a large part of it being blown away or collapsing to form a gaping crater , up to several kilometres across .
10 In Vulcanian eruptions , such a plug may be blown away by repeated explosions , after which lavas may flow away quietly , or if the magma is very viscous , and keeps on coming , explosions will continue .
11 God , Alec thought , half the slates must have been blown away .
12 If it is lying in the open , free of vegetation , it may become weathered ( Behrensmeyer , 1978 ) but a more likely outcome for small mammal bone is that it will either be stepped on and broken beyond recognition or simply be blown away by wind .
13 They were protected from trampling or from modification from any source other than weathering , and some protection was provided against wind , but despite this most of the bones have been blown away .
14 56 An advertisement from The Sound Waves — demonstrating the dangers of distortion from using the wrong needle , or the benefits of being ‘ blown away ’ by use of the right needle !
15 Standing by the old timber ponds at Clapton , another of his childhood swimming holes , he had felt his tension being blown away by the eternal winds of the Severn .
16 In the 1940s , a pattern of meteorological events similar to those of recent months resulted in millions of tonnes of topsoil being blown away in a series of devastating dust storms , and these storms are now being repeated .
17 In an infamous storm on 7th January , 1839 , which sank many boats in the Firth , Clytus was blown away from her moorings in Troon harbour and went aground on Barassie beach .
18 On LP this never sounded particularly impressive but the transfer to CD on DG ‘ Galleria ’ ( ) has blown away the sonic cobwebs to reveal a blazing treasure and a worthy comparison for his incandescent Bruckner 4 with the same orchestra ( Decca ) .
19 By Tuesday 20th Bob had blown away so at 5.30am we heard the clang of the chow bell to awaken us and we made our preparations to get underway .
20 All that 's left of me is a tiny cone-shaped pile of dust — and that 's blown away by the whirling wind of the dance .
22 I went into the garden and I found the washing had blown away .
23 Come on , man , 250,000 people got BLOWN AWAY !
24 ‘ If they are glass , or paste , or any part of them are , or any one of them , someone will probably have blown away Simon Cormack 's life . ’
25 In flat calm conditions , this effect can be clearly seen , since the exhaust smoke will be observed to be blown away from the model by the rotors when out of ground effect ( Fig.5.6 ) , while it will tend to form a cloud under the helicopter , or even ‘ leak ’ up through the middle of the rotors , when in ground effect ( Fig. 5. 7 ) .
26 If we now add a breeze to this situation , the bubble of air tends to be blown away from under the model and the effect occurs at a lower altitude ( Fig. 5.8 ) .
27 According to another report , many of the sheets of Hume 's Mystery of a Hansom Cab were blown away from a street barrow .
28 Ash and smoke blown away on the wind ! ’
29 PREMIER John Major 's hopes for an end to his troubles were blown away within hours of the three-vote victory over Europe .
30 ‘ We are still searching for the money , but most of it was blown away .
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