Example sentences of "to note [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is important to note that these organizations are internally stratified .
2 It is important to note that in 1912–14 the protestant — loyalist group saw their right to violence as prior to that of the official state .
3 It is also important to note that they saw the taking of law into their own hands as temporary , and pending the recognition by that state of its mistaken attitude towards them and their right to a degree of autonomy .
4 It is important to note that the political party system in the Republic of Ireland is largely based on the divisions in the national-popular consciousness which occurred at the time of the Irish civil war .
5 It is also interesting to note that the issue of land inheritance was a key reason why the Irish population voted ‘ no ’ in the referendum on divorce in 1986 .
6 It is interesting to note that the debate centred on the concrete social consequences of divorce legislation rather than on its intrinsic morality .
7 It is important to note that , since the system began in the late 1920s , there has never been a significant move to split up the schools for use by the separate denominations , something which would have been feasible in the larger towns .
8 We have no knowledge of this being in his parents ' minds , but it is interesting to note that this Cohen was a Cabalist , in which tradition Leonard was deeply immersed .
9 In total one can only marvel at the numerous stations opened in the 1980s and it is pleasing to note that many more are in the pipeline .
10 It is interesting to note that bullhead rail is still in evidence some forty years after the infant British Railways adopted flat-bottom rail as standard .
11 It is important to note that these ballets were created by MacMillan whose aim has been to convince audiences that dance in ballet belongs to the reality of life and to show how life can be manipulated .
12 For a store which is totally uncompromising in the wholefood and vegan pedigree of all products and meals on sale , where Rex waxes eloquently about macrobiotics and the ying and yang of food , it 's comforting to note that genuine beers fulfill his criteria quite easily .
13 Since ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ is constantly referred to in Russia and the West as Stavrogin 's Confession , it occurs to me to note that the word confession does not appear anywhere in the chapter .
14 It is interesting to note that a Dellinger fade out is often followed by a magnetic field change around 48 hours later .
15 It is interesting to note that the local Party cell 's initial report for January , that is , prior to the central decree of 16 February on church valuables , already concentrates on two things — possible rifts within the Church , and the flow of ecclesiastical monies .
16 Frequent administrative changes ‘ created conditions for its progressive ( sic ) decline and to a kustar ’ development of communications ' ( it is interesting to note that ‘ kustar' ’ had by then followed ‘ kulak ’ as a term of abuse ) .
17 The peasants did not fail to note that the correspondents were often ex-clerks of the Tsarist regime , and so extremely bureaucratic and long used to writing what their employers wanted to read .
18 In the end Maxse 's impatience with and apparent willingness to consider abandoning established institutions meant that he stretched his Conservative credentials to breaking-point , and it is important to note that when at his most extreme Maxse was most isolated .
19 The issue is far more complicated and it is only fair to note that we have not reached a stage of knowledge when we can easily say what explains the status of women among the different peoples of the world .
20 The point we sought to make , Mr Smith , was that it was ludicrous to assume — as Ford has — that millions of people aspire to nothing better than an average car , and to note that the master marketeers will probably get away with peddling mediocrity yet again .
21 It is interesting to note that severe physical exercise in the daytime is sometimes associated with increased deep sleep the following night ; perhaps there is a link here between deep sleep , an increase in growth hormone release , and the growth of muscular tissue that is produced by exercise .
22 It is interesting to note that sheep had almost no effect on the form of the farmstead as buildings were very rarely provided for them .
23 It 's interesting to note that , while the French and the English spend similar amounts of money on clothes , the French have by far the more stylist reputation .
24 It is interesting to note that the ‘ pope ’ — as the kids called Fermi — ‘ because he 's always right ’ , was only seven years older than Amaldi .
25 It is very interesting to note that many people who have been unable to eat cheese because of headaches , migraines or digestive problems following its consumption are able to eat organically produced cheeses with no side effects .
26 Nevertheless it is important to note that dividend pay-outs have not always been this low .
27 It is interesting to note that this example shows that what underlies Hobbes 's rejection of formal causes is , perhaps , no more than an impatience with what the Aristotelians said about them , and a desire to disassociate himself from that tradition .
28 It is interesting to note that his three criteria for distinguishing reality from illusion can be found also in the works of those philosophers , such as Descartes and Locke , whose view he rejects .
29 Fatima was very concerned about her health , but Jane was amused to note that there was nothing wrong with her lungs .
30 By 1926 and 1927 local Liberal parties were beginning to note that the Labour Party was responsible for ‘ dark passages ’ in the history of Liberalism .
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