Example sentences of "to realise [that] " in BNC.

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1 Following this , the children come to realise that pictures are part of a tradition ; finally , children may be prepared to make a judgement going beyond an individual culture .
2 It is important to realise that if the glider stops just within the boundary , another few feet of height could have meant a serious overshoot and perhaps a damaged aircraft .
3 Students and instructors often fail to realise that it is not the amount of height that matters but how much room there is ahead .
4 It is easy to realise that in gusty conditions , if the glider is being flown slowly , the stall may occur high enough for a wing to drop and for an incipient spin to develop with even more serious results .
5 Every glider pilot should make at least one downwind landing during training in order to realise that there is no particular problem in making a safe landing as long as the wind is not very strong .
6 It is important to realise that there is no particular danger in downwind landings on an airfield , apart from the possibility of floating too far and overshooting into the far boundary .
7 Almost a month went by before she allowed herself an evening to realise that there was at the very least and latest , an unfinished conversation between them .
8 I failed to realise that you kiss so easily .
9 The good coach will try to get his students to realise that there is not such a big gap as they imagine between their abilities and the task in hand .
10 Finally , it is as well to realise that the title of ‘ karate champion ’ can only be legitimately conferred by a national governing body recognised by the Martial Arts Commission .
11 As he listened with mounting alarm he began to realise that the flames would almost certainly have reduced some of the world 's finest baroque woodcarving to lumps of featureless charcoal .
12 For example , it is necessary to hear only a brief phrase of some Grand Waltz by Tchaikovsky , Glinka or Strauss to know that steps of grande élévation are the object of the exercise ; to hear some slow pavane , minuet or saraband is to realise that an adage is being practised .
13 This was the year of the first wave of reforms in Hungary , when thinking communists were beginning to realise that something had gone awfully wrong .
14 Yet you only have to read Ronald Blythe 's Akenfield to realise that these picturesque , half-timbered cottages , often painted the characteristic Essex pink ( pale salmon ) , ochre or spring-leaf green , are more prosperous now than ever in the ‘ real ’ past .
15 It is important to realise that divine impassibility is an aspect of God 's immutability , that God is utter perfection and completely self-sufficient and therefore can not be subject to change .
16 As I look around at the happy faces it is difficult to realise that the German Army is only a few miles away across the River Seine where they are defending Le Havre .
17 The Prince calls for everyone to realise that it is time to take adequate stock of such landscapes , our collective effect upon it and our responsibilities towards it .
18 It is important to realise that if you decide to get a car without using the Motability scheme you will have to pay the full costs of adaptations .
19 He must be more patient and brace himself up to realise that he was the only person who could tackle the present chaotic state of affairs , ' This was the fourth time the King had told MacDonald that he would not accept his resignation .
20 And Phoebe was so relaxed that it actually amused her to realise that everyone who saw them would assume they were a boring married couple , English middle-class tourists .
21 Not surprisingly he was livid , and having failed to realise that those who laugh easily do not fear easily , he tried several means of torture to get her to consent .
22 Neither of them seemed to realise that she never planned it .
23 But more importantly , as far as Roddick is concerned , each franchised outlet is required to take on a community project in its area , which she believes gives the young women in the organisation additional status and helps them to realise that everybody has the ability to change the world for the better .
24 And it is of the utmost importance to realise that the pragmatic answer to these questions is itself what makes the revolution never happen .
25 It took me a few months to realise that my life was changed completely .
26 At five they are then pushed into an environment where the language is new , the rules incomprehensible and where , unless it is a predominantly Asian area , they are made to realise that they belong to a special category — Asian .
27 The four-cylinder engine was more reliable in 1957 , but BRM took a long time to realise that the P25 's air strut suspension — carried over from the V16 — was the cause of its savage oversteer .
28 Weatherhead was honest enough to realise that there are many aspects of religion about which one has to remain uncertain , that is , agnostic .
29 ‘ It took me a while to realise that of course I am not really opening a window : something is zooming forward and appearing out of nothing .
30 Yet we all might wake up to realise that The Mirage is the most appropriate name for such a venue .
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