Example sentences of "attracted by " in BNC.

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1 You and I are by nature , by our respective natures , males who are irresistibly attracted by a non-male principle .
2 But , since the open opposition of the clergy , many of those attracted by the original idea were clearly dissuaded and the majority opposition dwindled away .
3 I see that someone terrified of using any woodworking tool involving the slightest of danger may be attracted by the SuperCut , and it might have potential for novices , but then what tool offers complete security ?
4 Almost equal euphoria was attracted by the English Electric Class 40s , the first large-volume design introduced after the 1955 Modernisation Plan .
5 I was also attracted by the weight , only 1.9kg , which is uncharacteristically light among today 's generally heavy packs .
6 But I am also attracted by Graff 's suggestion that those who favoured a ‘ literary ’ , aesthetic , affective way of reading would then experience the satisfaction of working against the prevailing grain .
7 The British banks which have written down the value of their loans most aggressively may be attracted by the fund , says Jim Mellon , a director of Tyndall .
8 Mr Morton and his colleagues will have to answer some awkward questions , not least from small investors , many of whom bought into the company attracted by the perks and the sense of excitement as much as by a detailed understanding of the economics of the enterprise .
9 In the nineteenth century the actress Sarah Bernhardt , ‘ attracted by the Absolute , ’ as one guidebook puts it , built a chateau high on the cliff near its northernmost end , the Pointe des Poulains ( Foals ' Point ) , where the offshore rocks are said to resemble young horses galloping in the swaying navy-blue sea .
10 But some quite surprising right-wing converts to the idea seem to be popping out of the woodwork , attracted by Mr Lawson 's mistitled idea of ‘ competing currencies ’ .
11 The French are attracted by the fact the Magic Kingdom and the proposed second theme park are to be located at Marne-la-Valee near Paris , the heavy involvement of the French government and the existence of theme parks such as the Asterix near Paris .
12 As we swung past the farm , the farmer , no doubt attracted by the sound of bagpipes , was standing at the entrance to his farm , a bewildered look on his face .
13 Outside on the street a crowd had gathered , no doubt attracted by the sound of bagpipes .
14 New acts are attracted by First Division managers because we are visible and our addresses are in Music Week .
15 We moved in closer to the stream and , attracted by something ( though now I have no idea what ) I went to the stream edge .
16 These writings appealed essentially to a generation of students bored with academic life and attracted by the street credibility of the Situationists , and often provided students with the dubious pleasure of being flattered and insulted at the same time .
17 Fierce loyalties to a professional club — often located outside an adolescent 's immediate territory as is the case with many Manchester United or Liverpool supporters attracted by playing success , glamour , and television coverage — create new juvenile communities , who briefly suspend hostilities at internationals in the cause of English chauvinism .
18 If you are attracted by the Weathermatic 's underwater ability , remember that you are paying for elaborate waterproofing seals , not for exceptional lens quality or advanced specifications ( even the self-timer and tripod bush have been sacrificed ) .
19 Mr Usta , aged 34 , who lives with his wife , mother and three daughters in a shack in an Istanbul shanty town , described how he came to London last year , attracted by a newspaper advertisement offering money to kidney donors .
20 Mr Mellor may well be attracted by the CQT compromise , though the Treasury certainly wo n't be .
21 But smaller shops , restaurants , jewellers and petrol stations are likely to be attracted by the prospect .
22 Luxury-goods sales are falling precisely when lots of new competitors , attracted by what once looked like easy business , are jumping into the market .
23 Attracted by rents that have risen faster than in all other European cities bar Madrid , developers have been throwing up office blocks on sites from Cologne and Munich to Berlin .
24 Astra has set up 21 component-making joint ventures with Japanese companies , which are attracted by low Indonesian wages .
25 Attracted by the lion 's share of a $10m industrial assistance fund , a bit of McDonnell Douglas has already arrived , bringing with it more than 1,000 jobs .
26 1 was attracted by another that I had discussed on a visit to Europe : certain branded drugs would not be prescribed at all when entirely adequate substitute generic drugs existed .
27 Those who disliked dogs objected to the vast number running around which had been attracted by her , while people who liked dogs were concerned about the little wild bitch 's welfare .
28 Welsh singer Katell Keinig ( below ) and American Marie McKeen ( top ) have been attracted by Dublin 's sense of community .
29 The embalmers may well have been attracted by the waxed and polished surface of the monthly Playmates .
30 It is only the American buyers who are now attracted by genuine objets d'art , they are the only ones who understand their true worth and what kind of reflection is that upon us ?
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