Example sentences of "pick up " in BNC.

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1 Pick up a piece of chicken and all the flavours of that dish are on that piece of chicken .
2 ‘ Can I lend you some at least until you pick up your wages tomorrow ? ’
3 Time is always well spent when practising steep turns : not the classroom type where you pick up more speed and then go into the turn , but the sort you might use for thermalling .
4 For more information , pick up leaflet Number 4 , ‘ Employment rights for the expectant mother ’ , at your local unemployment benefit office .
5 If you want to know more about these benefits and how to claim them , pick up leaflet MV.11 at your social security office or most post offices .
6 Pick up leaflet N1.17A , and claim form BM.4 , at your social security office .
7 Pick up leaflet CH.1 at your social security office .
8 Pick up leaflet CH.11 at your social security office .
9 Whimper like a whipped puppy , Jay , have a drink and pick up the pieces .
10 Even as you begin to draw back the snap punch , pick up your front foot and set it down diagonally forwards and outwards , using a thrusting action from the rear leg to cover ground .
11 The three boys come directly from a battleship when they pick up three girls from the street .
12 He was among the first to exploit the fact that living nerve fibres pick up and transport protein molecules like the enzyme horseradish peroxidase , whose presence is easily demonstrated and so acts as a marker .
13 TRANSPORT ‘ Did you know that lorry drivers who pick up hitch-hikers have 73 per cent fewer accidents than those who do n't ? ’
14 The most common reason for a biomusical is opportunism : take a star like Judy Garland or John Lennon , and you pick up a hit title and a hit score ready-made .
15 Pick up the ball and run around with it ?
16 If you pick up a handful of ordinary package brochures , America will be there : Crystal , Inghams , Intasun , Neilson and Thomson all have new or expanded American programmes .
17 Later pick up track through caravan site but leave it at cattlegrid ( signposted Coast Path ) , descending to Branscombe Mouth .
18 Go over footbridge and pick up enclosed path , then lane into Branscombe village centre .
19 She 'd come in , pick up a rubber skirt and say , half you ziss in one leetle size bigger ?
20 The British and other European countries knew that this would allow US airlines to fly from the USA , pick up passengers in Britain or in Europe , and fly on to any other destination , which would mean complete US domination of civil aviation .
21 British flights to the Caribbean and South America , and across the Pacific , could now use American airports and pick up traffic there .
22 Instead he would walk down to the river , take the path to the bridge and pick up his Police Review at Braddan 's on his way home .
23 ( As suggested in Chapter 1 , ‘ larks ’ tend to be at the lower end of the range and ‘ owls ’ towards the top of it. ) • Where are the sense organs that pick up such external factors ?
24 The young officer was told to stop complaining , pick up his weapon and complete the course .
25 The barbed needles pick up tiny threads and pump them through the fabric , bringing back more threads from the base fabric and welding them to the appliqué .
26 In a desperately competitive climate , where anyone bright and competent could go down the road and pick up a better paid job with kinder hours and more congenial working conditions from someone like British Telecom , the railways ran a service dependent on people who belonged to a narrow and inbred working culture , with outdated procedures of training and promotion , and an institutional reliance on overtime working , whose wholly disgraceful dimensions are symbolised by the fact that maximum weekly hours were only recently cut to 72 hours a week .
27 ‘ If I pick up something and drag it it makes this white noise sound , ’ Gaver demonstrates .
28 ‘ Dragging also depends on size , so if I pick up a bunch of stuff I get a lower dragging sound than if I pick up just one .
29 ‘ Dragging also depends on size , so if I pick up a bunch of stuff I get a lower dragging sound than if I pick up just one .
30 There was one about lesbian leanings in a girls ' school : Put on your navy knicks , Pick up your hockey sticks …
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