Example sentences of "no [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
31 ‘ Success is by no means guaranteed at auction , ’ says Graham Harrison .
32 Although it is by no means the universal view , some City analysts believe the increase in rates makes a short-lived recession inevitable next year .
33 In other words , the habit is by no means incurable .
34 Those bold enough to put their heads above the parapet — still by no means the majority — feel that to make demands even for basic freedoms is radical , in the present climate .
35 Provocative dress and casual promiscuity ( which are by no means the same thing ) may be abhorrent to juries in the southern states of America or to judges in this country .
36 Dignified , modest , though not unaware of his charisma and influence , Eric was a serious man , yet with a twinkle in the eye and by no means narrow in his thinking .
37 The avalanche of red tape surrounding events such as this ( the entire population of New Delhi appears to be employed handing out forms to fill in ) has to be seen to be believed , and it is by no means certain that , come 1 November , there will be any paper left to provide the winners with their cheque .
38 Stalin was by no means alone .
39 It was by no means clear how the figure arose in the first place .
40 The times and places of striking advance in productivity have by no means generally been times and places of educational advance ; nor , where they have been , is it clear whether this is cause and effect or , if so , which is cause and which effect .
41 It is by no means unheard of for a band to be offered a deal on nothing more than a ‘ concept ’ .
42 by no means the perfect pub , but as good a place as any to spend an evening in a town which I always thought would make an ideal site for a nuclear test .
43 But this was by no means a neurotic homosexuality : For them it was a means to a livelihood , as pimping is for others ’ ( p. 180 ) .
44 On 8 September , Churchill , hitherto a free trader , spoke in the Commons , expressing doubts about the wisdom of joining the National Government , and urging an early election fought on tariffs ; ‘ An audacious rollicking speech , ’ commented Amery , ‘ by no means pleasing to the Front Bench . '
45 Keynes 's was by no means a lone voice criticizing the extent of government commitments overseas , The ( unpublished ) Economic Survey for 1946 , the Balance of payments Working party , and the Bank of England all expressed grave doubts on this score .
46 The problem of succession had by no means been solved , and certainly not in a way that could be used as a precedent for the future .
47 Such a management style was by no means typical of Nigeria alone .
48 Such activities were by no means limited to the slave trade .
49 The example I have given is by no means the only one that exists .
50 Today , the image of the angel is still alive , and still in contention ; it has by no means been merely consigned to the museum .
51 The Tehuana dress is by no means the most decorative variant or the closest to pre-Hispanic forms of clothing .
52 But although the sensationally styled Calibra sets the trend , it is by no means the only exponent of the field .
53 It was n't exactly a copybook launch , though by no means was everything within Ford 's control .
54 This allowed the company to crow about the new models that cost no more than the old — a favourite Ford device but by no means exclusive to the blue oval badge .
55 Driving it again , alongside the rest of the range , this is immediately , but somewhat intangibly , the nicest Escort to drive , with by no means all the attraction being to do with the convertible top , itself an extremely effective design .
56 by no means all of the old sport s were abandoned , but they were more or less confined either to the margins of community life or to the remoter parts of the nation .
57 From personal experience , he knew that Lewis could be a generous , though by no means an uncritical , reader of contemporary poetry .
58 Fond as she is of children , however , they are by no means her only interest .
59 The public , of course , had only the word of the press to guide them , and although there was more than a germ of truth in what the tabloids reported , this was by no means the first autumn in which the Prince had spent weeks without his wife and children .
60 There was something sad about the exchange — and a finality that he , by no means , approved of or desired .
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