Example sentences of "withdrawal from " in BNC.

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1 In the case of the Mother and Child scheme , it was rather through withdrawal from the scene that first the politicians and later the churchmen avoided further trouble .
2 We find social relationships simplified , while myth and ritual are elaborated … if liminality is regarded as a time and place of withdrawal from normal modes of social action , it can be seen as potentially a period of scrutinization of the central values and axioms of the culture in which it occurs .
3 In effect this was a period of withdrawal from a rigidly structured police world to a world turned upside down ; where , in a ‘ counter-cultural ’ way , we were to find that the strict terms of reference we had carefully built up over the years no longer seemed to have relevance .
4 Some broken bones have no more than a hairline crack in them , but this is enough to cause your withdrawal from competition , regardless of the stage you are at .
5 Railborne steel traffic suffered in proportion to the cutbacks in the steel industry itself , with complete withdrawal from one or two locations such as Consett in County Durham .
6 This is shown vividly when , left finally alone , she strikes a dramatic pose of complete withdrawal from love and happiness .
7 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
8 There is still no consensus over the issue of a Syrian military withdrawal from Lebanon — which the Christian MPs have been obliged by their militia leaders and by General Michel Aoun to discuss , although the Muslims are reluctant to debate the topic at present .
9 Definite confirmation of ITV 's withdrawal from the fixture can be expected today .
10 THAILAND 'S Foreign Ministry yesterday suffered a public relations fiasco when it failed to produce five Vietnamese soldiers it claimed had been captured inside Cambodia after Hanoi 's much-publicised troop withdrawal from Cambodia last week .
11 A degree of surprise was expressed when McEnroe showed up here after a knee injury had forced his withdrawal from last month 's grand prix event in San Francisco .
12 The weekend talks stalled on United 's inability to agree the price for Knighton 's withdrawal from the take-over .
13 His time in the Ministry of Defence was one of constant retrenchment — the withdrawal from East of Suez , the aircraft carrier decision , the scrapping first of the TSR2 aircraft project , to be replaced by American F111s , themselves then also cancelled .
14 The negotiations form part of Chrysler 's strategy to increase dramatically its presence in Continental markets following its complete withdrawal from European car manufacture in 1978 .
15 Beginning with the transfer of power in India and Pakistan in 1947 , through the retreat from Egypt , and the rapid withdrawal from Africa in the Macleod period in the late 1950s and early 1960s , the rapidity and lack of tension with which Britain shed her imperial domain is perhaps the most notable of tributes to national stability and , possibly , maturity in the post-war world .
16 Bevin said little directly on the issue , except to stress the political problems of a rapid withdrawal from the Dutch East Indies and the need to consult the Chiefs of Staff .
17 The new flood of refugees consequent upon the Russian withdrawal from Afghanistan is straining the relief services .
18 She would be opposed to a wholesale withdrawal from West Germany .
19 Reed has no such problems and has been gradually using the £800million proceeds from its withdrawal from manufacturing to expand its publishing interests .
20 The move completes SmithKline Beecham 's withdrawal from the home improvement business , begun by Beecham with a series of disposals in 1986 and 1987 .
21 This book is about Britain 's Defence policy in her post-imperial era , and is the sequel to my Withdrawal from Empire , published in 1986 , in which I looked through military eyes at the creation , development and eventual transformation of the Empire into the loosely-knit British Commonwealth .
22 The decline began again in 1954 : 7.8 per cent at the time of Suez in 1956 ; 6.3 per cent at the end of National Service in 1962 ; 5.4 per cent when Denis Healey completed his Defence Reviews in 1968 ; and 4.9 per cent in 1970 , when the withdrawal from East of Suez was nearing completion .
23 1957 : Duncan Sandys ' ‘ Big Bang ’ philosophy , that led to the end of National Service ; 1965 : Denis Healey 's rolling Defence reviews , ending in the withdrawal from East of Suez ; 1974 : Roy Mason 's concentration of resources on Western European Defence , taking the withdrawal from empire to its logical conclusion ; 1981 : John Nott 's intended sacrifice of Maritime in favour of Continental capability , that was aborted by the Falklands Campaign .
24 1957 : Duncan Sandys ' ‘ Big Bang ’ philosophy , that led to the end of National Service ; 1965 : Denis Healey 's rolling Defence reviews , ending in the withdrawal from East of Suez ; 1974 : Roy Mason 's concentration of resources on Western European Defence , taking the withdrawal from empire to its logical conclusion ; 1981 : John Nott 's intended sacrifice of Maritime in favour of Continental capability , that was aborted by the Falklands Campaign .
25 Their influence declined only slowly after the war because British military operations continued around the world as Britain at first struggled to retain her empire , and then , after Suez , fought to bring about a prudent and dignified withdrawal from colonial responsibility .
26 The subsequent withdrawal from empire , which flowed from these events , was carried out on a strategy set out in a Chiefs of Staff Paper which remained the military planners ' increasingly tattered bible until Roy Mason 's 1974 Defence review made British military strategy synonymous with NATO strategy .
27 Anthony Eden took over from Churchill in April 1955 as British troops began their withdrawal from the Canal Zone to new bases in Cyprus and Aden , and back to England to reinforce the Strategic Reserve .
28 But these bright spots were dimmed by the assassination of the Western-orientated Hashemite royal family in Baghdad on 14th July 1958 during the Nasser-inspired coup , which ended Britain 's treaty relations with Iraq and led to the RAF 's withdrawal from the Habbaniyah and Shu'aiba air bases that lay on the air-reinforcement route to the Far East .
29 While the Blue Streak saga was being played out , Macmillan and McLeod had been setting the stage for Britain 's final withdrawal from Empire .
30 By then , warnings were already blowing in the post-imperial winds of change that the all-regular Army might soon be overstretched trying to maintain stability in the final stages of Britain 's withdrawal from Empire .
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