Example sentences of "assuming that " in BNC.

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1 Likewise , if you wished to make a single gift to ACET of less than £600 then — assuming that you are a taxpayer — you can enable ACET to get the benefit of tax relief by the same Deposited Covenant arrangement .
2 The bishops , conceiving of themselves as a body supported by the Holy Spirit in their proclamation of morality and seeing themselves as following the equally and divinely guided line laid down by Pope John-Paul II , were assuming that the opposition to state legislation permitting divorce was of a similar standing and status to the Christian belief that Christian marriage was forever .
3 Given the choice , and assuming that precious few of us are blessed with the ideal soil type , it is probably better for garden land to err on the heavy side .
4 However , assuming that you have timed your hook correctly , the opponent will find no support for his descending weight , so he will be obliged to twist and fall on to his side .
5 Everyone has a right to be buried in the churchyard of the parish in which they die — assuming that one exists , and that there is space left .
6 Non-corpuscular radiation is in the form of high energy X rays which , assuming that the earth is in the path of the rays , will reach the earth in fifteen minutes .
7 By voting for Ralph Erskine there is a chance — assuming that executive architects Rock Townsend and Lennart Bergstroms can reach the meticulous standards set by their Swedish master — that Hammersmith will point the way ahead for a new generation of user-friendly , environmentally soft commercial architecture .
8 Assuming that each club fields only two teams they will represent almost 40,000 players .
9 It does prevent us from assuming that students are being educated because they are at a university , irrespective of what their studies are .
10 I believe that in Britain an outstanding record will find its way into the system without much promotion , assuming that it has been distributed to producers .
11 Commitments to matching finance are seldom adequately analyzed , and although the recipient governments may carry a good deal of the responsibility for this , donors are also at fault in assuming that the counter-part funds for their projects will have priority .
12 Assuming that the only rational purpose of buying a diesel rather than a petrol-engined car is to save fuel , the Rover walks all over both Frenchmen !
13 This problem of historical relativism is one of the most besetting for anyone who wishes to read an old book without either getting it hopelessly wrong or , worse , assuming that the fact that we are modern and the author of the book ‘ medieval ’ or ‘ old ’ implies the superiority of one or the other .
14 This does not mean that the old books can provide us with no concrete evidence from the past , but it does mean that old books must be read with delicacy ; with a sense that if we go blundering into them , assuming that they mean what we mean by words like sky , earth , history or nature we shall get everything wrong .
15 Assuming that the lenders will agree to defer capital repayments , and the fixed charge of £207,192 quoted in Table III becomes applicable , a projected profit and loss account for 1992 can be prepared .
16 I 'm not going to say that some of these projects , such as Guernica , wo n't be fun to play around with , assuming that you can afford to buy all the necessary - and expensive — hardware to add to your already expensive system .
17 The editors of the NEB patronised congregations by assuming that God was over their heads .
18 The editors of the NEB patronised congregations by assuming that God was over their heads .
19 But the wholly unpredicted speed-up of events elsewhere in Eastern Europe should make us wary of assuming that the Romanians must be so much further behind .
20 As late as mid-1947 a reunited Germany was seen by the Foreign Secretary , Ernest Bevin , as a greater danger to world peace than the Soviet Union ; and the Chiefs of Staff were assuming that Russia was unlikely to solve the problems of atomic weapon production before 1956 at the earliest .
21 Assuming that the start of the current recession ( which on January 2nd was officially acknowledged , at last ) was some time in October , investors can look forward to the Dow tumbling to 1,800 by the late autumn of 1991 .
22 Its current director of studies , David Willets , says the CPS started by assuming that ‘ a lot of the research put out by established think-tanks had a basic bias in favour of increased government spending and an essential belief in the rationality of government . ’
23 A study by the OECD tries to forecast what all these extra grey heads mean for public spending in different countries over the next 40 years , assuming that government policies remain unchanged .
24 They apply only to sight , and leave the reader assuming that , unlike what we see , what we touch exists independently of the mind .
25 He comforted himself by assuming that she was just a mother-figure to the young man and there could n't possibly be any sex in it .
26 Assuming that you have found a place , and that you are both satisfied ; has your aunt a key to your door ?
27 This could be resolved by assuming that all citizens impliedly consent to those touchings which are incidental to ordinary everyday life and travel ; but the judicial preference seems to be to create an exception for ‘ all physical contact which is generally acceptable in the ordinary conduct of daily life ’ .
28 It is not suggested that each offence should be ranked according to the seriousness of its after-effects on the particular victim — although there is an argument for assuming that young victims will be particularly damaged by unwanted sexual experiences , and therefore for regarding such offences as more serious .
29 Assuming that Same can cure these quality-control ills , then there 's not much else left to be negative about on this most modern of 1990s tractors .
30 Obviously they were assuming that the wind would blow in their favour .
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